
Hey, guys. Today I'd like to try something really fun. I want to draw a lighthouse on black paper with a white marker.

You could do this with a white crayon. Or if you don't have black paper, you can use a white piece of paper and you can draw with black or color it however you like.

And I thought this would be fun because this week you might have been learning about how important light is in our lives. It helps us to see things. It helps plants to grow. For sailors, they need these lighthouses so they can see dangerous rocks that might be ahead.

And just like this light, by following the Savior, that also brings light into our lives as we obey Him and keep His commandments. I’m really excited to draw this with you.

Let's get going.

All right. So I'm going to go ahead and start drawing this lighthouse.

And again, remember, you don't have to do this on black paper. You can do it on white and you can color in this lighthouse. But I thought it would be fun. Today I'm taking a metallic marker.

You could use a white crayon or whatever you like to draw this lighthouse.

So I'm going to start with my lighthouse. I’m going to draw at the top, I’m going to make kind of like a triangle. But before I do it, I'm going to put a little line right here at the top, and that represents the top of my lighthouse.

And then to create my triangle,

I’m just going to go down on one side, and then I’m going to pick the other side and go down. And if it helps you to draw some little two dots here

first to draw it to where you want to get to, you can. And then I’m going to connect them across right here.

So that is the top of my lighthouse. And maybe we want to put

some little decoration up here on the top.

All right, so now I want to put my lighthouse up on some big rocks. Because remember, lighthouses, they light up the area so ships out in the sea can see the lighthouse warning them that there's rocks over there.

So I'm just going to put some rocks down here by just making some jagged lines however you like. I'm going to do like a couple steps right here and then I'm going to do a couple steps going down the other side just like that. So you can see it kind of have like some stairs here and they don't have to be perfectly the right shape because these are rocks and rocks are all kinds of shapes. And then maybe we want to put some ocean water in here. So I'm just going to do some waves.

Just like that. So then we have some water down here.

And then maybe we want to put some bright light shining on these rocks, so we can kind of just draw a line through there and just color those in so they’re all nice and bright, and maybe draw a line that comes down from these rocks. And you can do yours however you like,

you can light up your rocks wherever you want to.

You can have them light coming from the other side.

Most of it’s probably coming down from this lighthouse. This one I'm going to take over next to the water here.

All right, so there's my rocks.

Now we want to draw the sides of this lighthouse coming all the way down,

resting firmly on these rocks.

Because these lighthouses need to be strong so that when the ocean hits up against them, it doesn't ruin them.

So after we have that, let's go up here and let's do the windows of this lighthouse. They have this glass up here where this bright, bright light

shines out, warning the sailors. So I can go a little bit down from the top, and I’m just going to draw a line across. And this is where I want to put my window in here. And I'm going to put six squares inside of here because I want these windows to look like they're all lit up.

And if you're drawing on white paper, maybe you just want to draw the squares first like this

and then fill them in with whatever colors you like.

And you could do four windows or two windows,

or you could just feel this whole thing in with light if you want to, too.

There's a lot of different types of lighthouses out there,

and right here I'm just designing one that I imagine out of my head.

And then I'm just going to fill in all these windows.

So maybe if you're drawing on white paper and you're drawing with black,

you could fill them in with yellow. All right. So now those windows look like they're really lit up.

So I want to make some light rays coming out of here too. And to do that, you can do some lines coming out from it in different directions, and you can go as long or as short as you want to.

And just go in different directions, showing that light beaming out from there.

I'm going to do that on both sides.

And so now you can see how it looks like there's all this light just emanating right out of here. I think that's really cool.

And now I'm going to draw another window down here further.

And I’m just going to draw a rectangle in the middle of my lighthouse, and you could put this wherever you want.

Maybe you want to put it up higher or down lower,

or maybe you want to do a curved window. You can really kind of design this and make this however you like.

And I'm going to put a triangle on top of it.

Maybe that helps keep some of the rain out from the window. And maybe a little rectangle on the bottom.

And then let's put in some glass panes in here.

All right, so there's my window down here. Further.

And you could add some more glowing light on the sides of the lighthouse if you want to,

just to make it look like it’s kind of glowing, and maybe even put some seagulls out in the air, maybe out in the ocean.

All right. So this is my finished picture of the lighthouse. I think it's really great because it shows just how different the light can be from the dark. And just like the Savior, He has things that He wants to teach us and He has the gospel for us, which is a light to all of us. So I didn’t color mine, I like this one just the way it is. But if you want to color yours, you can, especially if you did yours on white paper. Maybe you want to put some red stripes in it. I've seen a lot of different beautiful types of lighthouses, but this is my finished one. I'm excited to see what you guys have made.

Now, for my favorite part,

we get a look at some pictures that some of our other artists have made,

and you can see that every single one of these lighthouses looks very different and they're all beautiful in their own special ways. I love how this one has this beautiful light shining out of this lighthouse, and you can see these big mountains behind the lighthouse.

And right here you can see we have all these red stripes. You got this beautiful bright moon out here, also giving light.

And right here, this one was done on white paper. So you can see you can do your art however you like,

yours does not have to look like my picture. And you can see there’s fish down here, there’s some people in the windows possibly waving at us. I think that's really fun. And I like this one. I love this beautiful wave over here in this ornate little triangle over the window here. I think all of these pictures do a really great job of warning, those sailors using light, and light is such an important part of our lives. And by following Jesus Christ, it brings more light into our lives. So as we obey and keep His commandments, it helps us to learn and grow. And we get to learn more about the gospel and the truths that are in it. Thanks for drawing with me guys today. I can't wait to see you next time. Bye.

Come Create with Me—Jesus is Our Light

Learn about how Jesus brings light into our lives as taught in 1 John in the New Testament.

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