
This week in Bible stories you may have learned about how the Savior is the true vine. And instead of drawing a vine today, I thought it would be fun to draw a tree bearing fruit. And we represent the branches on this tree, and the fruit is the people that we bring to the Savior by our good works and by sharing our testimonies. I think this is going to be a lot of fun. Let's go draw.

So let's go ahead and start drawing this tree. And we want to put a lot of different types of fruit on this tree, so we need a lot of space. So I’m going to make a really big

tree right here with a lot of foliage. So I’m going to use a big circle area

right up here. And I’m going to start from the top

and I’m going to draw just all these wavy lines. And these are the leaves. And I’m, you can just start from the top and go over to one side of the paper and you can change the direction of these. You can see at first they're going up, but then they're kind of going this way.

Either that or you can draw a tree how you like to draw trees.

But just remember, we want a lot of space to be able to put in that fruit. And maybe you want to start back from the top and then go the other direction.

We’re just going to make this large, it’s like a large hairball.

All right. So that's the foliage for my tree.

Now we want to put a trunk on this tree, which is the most important part, because in the scriptures it talks about a vine and there's branches coming from the vine. We're using a tree.

Our Savior, He represents this trunk,

and we're the branches that have the fruit growing on it. So we're going to draw this trunk in the middle of the tree. And I'm going to just pick two places on both sides of the tree, and I'm going to just draw two kind of angled lines down, but I'm not going to connect them.

I'm going to put them out like this, and then I'm going to go down to the bottom.

And so that kind of shows the branches starting to go out in the different ways from the trunk of the tree. And then I’m going to put

two little triangles in here to create these branches. You can see right here. All right. That looks like a large good tree.

You could add some grass or flowers or anything that you want down at the bottom. Maybe in the end you want to put some fruit down here on the ground, too. Birds, however you like to decorate your picture.

So I'm going to start drawing the fruit up here. And just for fun, I'm just going to show you how to draw

a few different types of fruit. But you can do all apples or you can do your own imaginary type of fruit that you like to come up with.

I thought it might be fun to just draw a few different types of fruit that you guys could possibly put on your tree. So I'm going to start with a really easy one.

Maybe we could do like an orange over here. So an orange, we’d probably want a big circle.

And maybe there’s a little bit of a dot or a stem

where the fruit attaches to the tree. And then to make it have that rough skin that oranges have,

you could put a couple little dots on there.

Another type of fruit that we might want to put on our tree is we could do maybe like a plum. And for that, I’m going to just kind of start in the middle and go around.

But I'm not going to connect it in the same place I would in a circle.

I come back up here, but I kind of like, just leave this little line here.

And then I can put a little stem on that. And that maybe looks like a plum or maybe an apricot.

Maybe we could draw another one down here that could be a plum. They kind of have a same kind of shape, but sometimes very different colors.

So I'm just going to draw another one right down here.

And you can put them wherever you want on the tree. And again, you don’t, you can do all the same fruit.

Most trees don’t have lots of different types of fruit, they usually have one type. And we can do a pear.

So this one, I'm going to draw the top part so I can do like a half circle. And then the bottom part is usually bigger so I can do another half circle on the bottom half to create my pear.

And sometimes these have little speckles or dots on them, and pears can be lots of different colors. Maybe we want to do a lemon, maybe this is maybe you have a lemon tree in your backyard. Some people have lemons. So I'm just going to do a curve right here and then do a curve on the other side, I’m not going to connect them.

And then I will connect them with these little dots here. And then just like the oranges, maybe they have like a rough skin. So we could add a couple of dots to it.

And now let's do a really popular one here. We'll do an apple.

And for this one, we can put a little curve just like this.

Just kind of like a little line. But then we're going to go from that curve and I'm going to go down and around just like this.

And sometimes people put some little dips at the bottom of it.

And then we can go from go up this line a little bit and we can connect it around the other way. Maybe put a stem on that apple.

Or you can just do an apple by making that curve right here.

And you don’t have to put the dips on the bottom, you can just go around, some some apples are smoother than others.

You can dry your fruit however you like to. And maybe we should do a real fun one that looks very different than the rest of these. What if we do a banana?

So banana is, kind of create a rainbow shape in any direction we want to.

And then we want to do one at the other side. And a lot of times with bananas, they get thinner as they get to the edges. So maybe we want it to be thick in the middle so it just like comes out to where this dot is, but then when it gets to the sides, it’s a lot closer. So sometimes drawing some dots can help and you can do like a dot to dot and connect those. And you can see how the banana looks thicker in the middle. And then we can put these little ends on them, little black ends. And sometimes they, they kind of have like these edges to them.

So maybe draw like a little smile in your banana. Almost looks like the tree is smiling.

All right, let's start coloring this picture of a tree. I am going to pick some green for the leaves. If you wanted to, you could do some fall colors, you could make it red or orange or yellow.

And sometimes trees just have different colors,

there’s a lot of plum trees that have very purple leaves.

And I'm just going to color all this in except for the fruit.

And while we’re coloring this, we can think about

how we can be branches for our Savior, where we can bear fruit.

And this fruit, it represents

our testimonies. It's about the gospel and people can see and they can taste this fruit and they can know how to come to the Savior themselves.

And we want to be like the Savior.

And so that's why, you know,

the Savior represents this tree. Without the tree, if we were just branches, we wouldn’t have any fruit at all.

But when we rely on the Savior, just like the Savior wanted his apostles and his disciples to rely on him, then we can be branches on his tree and then we can bear good fruit

just like his apostles did.

So let's get this all colored in green. You could put textures or draw leaves in here if you want to.

You can have this tree look however you want, your tree does not have to look just like mine.

All right. So that's all colored in green.

So then we can color some of the other fruit here. There’s green apples, there’s red apples.

I’m going to do this one right here red.

Maybe for this orange, we’ll get orange.

And. Maybe we do this apricot orange here, too.

Maybe this is a lemon or it could be a lime.

I'm going to make it a lemon right there. Get our pear.

All I'm going to do a yellow pear.

I'm going to color this plum purple.

Oh, while I had that yellow. I probably should have gotten that banana too, huh?

Then we got one more apple right there, maybe I’ll do a green apple. All right. So you can see all this delicious fruit. And I think in the scriptures, why He compares it to a fruit is because people really do love eating fruit. And so it shows how delicious it is, how much we really like it. And that’s how the gospel is for us, too, and this Savior’s teachings.

So I’m just going to color the trunk of this tree.,

I'm going to use this brown right here.

You can pick whatever colors you like. You could even add some details, You could draw bark on it, put a squirrel up in the tree

or whatever you see in the trees where you live, you could draw that

and then maybe some green grass down here.

You can just put some lines here wherever you like.

And it looks like there's a bunch of nice grass to lay down here under this tree.

Well, this is my finished picture.

I'm excited to see some of the stuff that you guys have made.

So right here, you can see that every tree can look different. You can make yours look however you want.

Yours does not have to look like mine, this is your art.

And there's so much interesting stuff that different people think about when they're doing their artwork. And right here you can see like this one,

this person added a donut onto the tree, which you can do. There’s this blue grass down here, I think it’s very pretty right here.

They put a different type of fruit on here that’s not on my tree.

You can see there's all these red cherries here. One of them is falling and hitting this bird, which I think is funny. So you can have your own story with this if you like. Right here. This one has all these pretty leaves around the outside, which I think makes a really fun dimension to this tree. I love this heart in here and these animals. So you can have fun with this and do it however you like. And I think all of these do a great job of showing the fruit that we can bring to our Savior by following Him and being an example of Him. Thanks again for drawing with me today, guys. I'll see you next time. Bye.

Come Create with Me—Good Fruit

In John 15 we learn that Jesus Christ is the true vine, and we are His branches. In this Come Create with Me, you’ll draw a tree that bears all kinds of fruit, just like we can bear fruit for our Savior.

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