
Hi, friends. I'm so glad you joined us today. For today's activity, we're going to be making a sun, which represents the joy of repenting. And we're going to be using some clouds to represent how it feels when we make a mistake. For today's activity, you're going to want some blue cardstock paper, some yellow cardstock paper, some cotton balls, and scissors with an adult’s permission. Are you ready?

Let's go ahead and get started.

Today we’re going to be making suns. So we're going to hand out our blue skies to be our background, and we're just going to be drawing a circle and cutting it out, as simple as that. So choose your color and draw a circle.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

I like it. We have yellow and orange going on. That seems appropriate for suns.

Sometimes we feel sad when we make a mistake. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. So He provided a way for us to repent.

Part of repenting means we feel bad for doing something wrong, and we want to do better. Have you ever felt sad after making

a mistake? Yes.

Yeah, me too. Have you ever said sorry after making a mistake? Yes. How did that make you feel? Happy. Happy. Yeah. The sunshine is going to represent our happy feeling.

When we make a mistake, we can pray and Jesus will help us repent and be forgiven. I love your sun.

That's perfect.

And I hope you’re having fun making your suns at home. If you don't have yellow card stock,

you can just color on a regular piece of paper and cut it out. Perfect. So here we have our suns. Do you like sunny days? Yes. Yeah. How do sunny days make you feel? Happy! Yeah, I like sunny days. I feel warm and it's bright. But we're going to pretend it's a cloudy day and we're going to cover our suns with cotton balls and pretend that they're clouds. So cover that up.

I'm going to tell about a time that I needed to repent and how that made me feel. So one time I said something really mean to my brother.

After I did that, I felt really icky inside and like we couldn't be friends again.

But then I took some time to be by myself.

You can take some clouds away and I prayed to Heavenly Father for Jesus's help.

You can take some more clouds away. And then I told my brother I was sorry, and he told me he forgave me. And that icky feeling was all gone, and it felt like I could feel the sun again—the light and the warmth. So at home and while you're doing this activity,

you can think about a time that you needed to change and think about when you made a mistake, how that made you feel.

And then you can think about the steps you did to help fill the sun again

so you can pray to Heavenly Father when you make a mistake and Jesus will help you. Thanks for doing our craft with us today. We'll see you next time.

Video 02 – Repentance

An instructional craft video for children. Children will learn how to create a sun and clouds which will remind them about the joy of repenting.

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