
Hi, I'm Miles. [MUSIC PLAYING]

One of my responsibilities as a leader is to help plan service and activities. So here are six tips to help you plan awesome activities for your quorum or class.

We have activities to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and help others through life's challenges. Hey. How's it going? Hey, man. Hey. As we learn and live the gospel together through activities and invite others to join us, we not only have fun but build lasting friendships. Bruno, glad you made it! Service is one of the best activities. We get to help people and have fun at the same time. That's it. Those are the reasons why we have activities. So keep that in mind as you come up with all of your awesome ideas. OK, we're here. Thanks, mate. Now let's talk planning.

Invite members of your quorum or class to come up with ideas and consider the four areas of development.

Hey, guys. Playing ball every week sounds fun, but trust me it will be more fun if you use some variety. You can ask your parents or adult advisers for ideas. You can also go to the Church website or Gospel Living app.

There is power in counseling together. As a presidency, think of the youth in your quorum or class. Will this activity help them? Who needs to be invited? How can you make the activity good for everyone? Pray and ask Heavenly Father for help. He cares about the youth, and He cares about your activities. So get help from Him.

This is where you put all the details together. A calendar or planner is your best friend. So use it every time. Think of all the details and write them down--food, location, transportation-- Food. --clean up. Food. Wait, who's picking up Carson? Food. You know, the essentials. No, really, who's picking up Carson?

Why was the snowman looking through the carrots? You don't have to do it all alone. Who's going to help with invitations? I got it. [DING] Who's going to help clean up? Oh, I can do that. [DING] Who's going to bring the food? [DING] Right. [DING] Remember your adult advisers. They want to help. I can help with that. [DING] You guys-- You got it. Yeah. Listen, it's not going to be perfect every time. Sometimes, people won't show up. You'll forget things. Hey, no one picked me up. Oh. Sorry, Carson. But it's OK. You'll get better at things as you go and the Lord bless you, and those you serve through your efforts. OK, I'm in. Carson, glad you made it. I will take you home.

Yes. Yes! Yes! [MUSIC PLAYING]

Six Tips to Planning Awesome Activities

Miles offers six tips to planning awesome activities to increase faith and help others. Create activities in the four areas of development. Activities are fun and make lasting friendships.

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