
Welcome back, guys. This week in Come Follow Me you may have learned about baptism. And maybe you’ve been baptized, or maybe you know somebody that has been baptized. But we know that we all need to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost to return to live with our Heavenly Father. So I thought it would be really fun to draw a picture of someone being baptized in a baptismal font. I'm really excited about this picture. Let's get going.

All right, so let's start drawing our picture.

Now, remember, we need to have two people on this picture, so make sure we have enough room for a person here and a person over here.

And I'm going to start by drawing the head of the person baptizing this other child. And I’m going to just draw a box for this head. And you can do round or something else if you like. So you can draw a square here

if you want to follow what I am doing.

Or you could give it a triangle head if you like, because this is your art.

And now I'm going to draw his body. And to do that, I’m going to make a rectangle,

and to figure out how far down I want to go sometimes it helps me to put some little dots down here,

like I want his body to go down here, and I’m not going to draw his feet and stuff because that's going to be underneath the water.

So I'm going to do another one right here.

And this is how far down I want to draw these lines so I can go back up to his head and draw these two lines all the way down.

And now, instead of just drawing right here, I’m going to go out a little bit further because he’s in this water, and I feel like going out just a little bit further away from there makes it feel like he's down in,

you know, some kind of water or inside something.

So now some other things we can put on here is—this is probably a really special day. I bet he's excited that he gets to baptize this other person because he's helping somebody else follow our Heavenly Father’s commandments. And so I’m going to put a smile on his face. And if you want to make it look kind of like he’s looking the other way—

if he was looking straight at you, you would probably do the smiley face in the middle, but since he’s looking over here, I'm actually going to do the smiley face over on the side of his face. So I’m probably going to start about in the middle here and go right here.

So you can see that the smile is over here instead of over here.

That way it looks like he’s kind of looking over this other way.

And then same thing with the eyes.

I might start with one eye on the edge of his face, and I'm going to do these upside down bowl shapes because they make what I call “smiley eyes.” Right there. So we’ve got two eyes right there. And now you can put an ear— this shows the side of his head right here—by just doing a C right there for an ear. And then you can connect hair to here, and you can do whatever hairstyle you like.

I'm going to just go from the ear and come up around just like that.

And then I can connect some hair on the bottom right there.

But you can make some curly hair or you can draw people however you like to draw it. I’d love to see how you like to draw people. This is just one way to do it.

And now I want to make his arms reaching out to welcome the other person into the water.

And so I’m going to draw one arm right here, and I’m just going to do a stick figure arm. I'm going to start close to his back right here,

up here on his shoulder. And I'm just going to kind of turn it like this, like he's putting his hand out.

And then I'm going to do another one right across from that, just kind of following that same path

to make a nice thick arm right here. And then you can put a hand on top of that. Sometimes you can just do a curve on it. Or if you’re really good at drawing fingers or like to do that, you can do that as well. And we could put a sleeve on there by just putting a line through it. And now I'm going to draw the other hand and it's coming out from the other side of his body. So I'm just going to draw two lines that go straight out just like that.

And same thing. We can put a curve on the end of that and then draw a line down through to make the sleeve.

And maybe we want to give him a waistline.

Right here. Separate the shirt and the pants if we want to.

All right. So we have him finished now.

So let's go ahead and draw the person that's getting baptized right here. And so for mine, I'm going to draw a little girl in here, but you can draw whatever you like. You could make it a boy or maybe you could draw a picture of your baptism or maybe somebody that you know that was baptized. This might even be something that you could give for fun as a gift to somebody that you know that’s being baptized.

There's a lot of things you could do.

So right here, I'm going to just start by drawing a circle. And since I want her to be smaller than him, I’m just going to put her head down lower, right here. So I’m going to just draw a circle.

So you can see you can do lots of different head shapes. This one is a circle and this one is a square.

And then I'm going to have her looking up. So I’m going to—maybe I’d put the eye here, but I'm just going to kind of follow up this curve

and have her looking up there at him. So you can see it kind of creates this line of where she's looking.

And then I can put a smile on her face, too.

And I’m just going to start from the edge of the face,

and just put this big smile on her face because this is a really important day for her. And I'm also going to do the same thing. I'm going to do a backwards C right here for her ear.

And then I can connect those to her forehead

and then go down to her neck right there.

And a lot of times when you’re baptized, because you don’t want your hair to float up to the top of the water,

we like to put our hair in buns or little ponytails.

So I'm just going to draw a line out like that, whatever shape I want.

But you can do whatever hairstyle you like. You can have fun with this.

So that's mine right there.

And now I'm going to give her a body just like I did him. I'm going to do two lines from both sides of her head right here. And it might help, to know how far down to go, to follow this line right here,

and then kind of lift up and then get over here and then kind of finish that line a little bit. And that's where she'll be in the water.

So I'm going to draw two lines here.

And then another one.

All right. And now we can do the same with her arms, and you can put them in whatever position you like.

I'm going to do two lines down. That's the stick figure arm. And then the other one to make it thicker.

And then create a bowl on the bottom and a line for the sleeve.

And now I'm going to stick her other arm out this way, reaching out to whoever this person is that’s baptizing her, because a lot of different people can baptize you if they have the authority to baptize.

So sometimes that might be your dad or a grandpa or a good friend.

So right there now we have both of them and they both look very excited about this.

So now we want to create some more of our baptismal font here.

And so, to do the edge of the water,

I kind of want to just do a line back here.

And it’s going to go all the way across, but I don’t want to go through my characters here,

so I'm going to start right here at the edge.

And when I get here, I'm just going to lift up my pen and then I'm going to put it back down here and then keep going.

Lift it up again. Put it back down and keep going.

And that way it looks like it's behind them.

And now we can create some more water here, and there's a lot of ways to do it.

You can do the same thing, kind of what I did here and just draw lines, but lift it up and put it back down, and that makes kind of like little

ripples, or what looks like little ripples in the water.

And you can just do a few of those wherever you like. You could put some back here if you want. And that way it looks like they’re down in this water.

A lot of the baptismal fonts I've seen, they have tiles all over the walls.

And so for mine, I want to draw some tiles on here. And so I can just put some squares back here. And I don't have to do all of them. I can just do a couple here and then it looks like there might be tiles everywhere.

So I'm just going to draw a square anywhere.

And so that’s one of my tiles. But then I can create a few more,

just wherever you like. And you could use different colored tiles,

you can put some right next to each other, but leaving a little bit of space between.

You can just put on a bunch of tiles, you could pick your favorite color,

or you could decorate with other things. Sometimes you might want to try to put the stairs that go down into the font, or I've seen a lot of them that have mirrors.

So there's a lot of different things that you could do.

Anyway. So there's all my tiles.

So during the coloring part, we're going to speed up this video.

So if you need to pause it, go ahead and do that, and then you can get caught up. For the water, I want to use the color blue

and I'm just going to fill this all in really quick.

And then you can color in the tiles if you like. Maybe you did

tiles everywhere. If you want to, you can create maybe little shadows on the tiles to make them look a little bit shiny.

And now I want to pick some colors for their hair and their skin, and you can use whatever colors you want. Heavenly Father’s children, we have all different colors of skin and hair.

So I'm going to pick this brown color here,

and I'm just going to do that on both of these, because I imagined this being a father and his daughter, which is fun.

But a lot of different people can baptize you. I know some of my brothers and sisters were baptized by my grandpa.

And some people are baptized by missionaries. And I’m going to start coloring their hair and I’m going to use black. But you could do yellow or brown. If it’s a picture of you, you could do a picture of your hair color.

And if you do want to add a little bit of color to their clothes— when we get baptized, we wear white to represent purity—

but I’m just going to maybe in a couple of places just add a little bit of blue, because sometimes shadows look blue.

So here's my finished picture.

Let's see some that some other artists have made.

You can see how different all of these different pictures look because we've all had different experiences and we all imagine things different ways. So yours doesn't have to look like my picture and mine doesn't have to look like any of these.

But I think they're all beautiful for different reasons.

I like that this one has all these different lily pads right here and there's a different head shape here. I think this one is really great. You can see the stairs going into the baptismal font.

You can see that one on here, too. This beautiful red hair.

I like how everything is kind of framed in this nice little place right here. I think that's really fun.

This one is really neat because you see the whole family here for this special occasion where this little girl has decided to make the decision to get baptized. And we all need to be baptized so that we can receive the Holy Ghost, so that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father.

I had a lot of fun drawing with you guys today. I can't wait to see you next time. Bye.

Come Create with Me | How to Draw a Baptism

The artist shows a happy young girl entering the waters of baptism.

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