
Today we are going to draw the golden plates. And the reason I want to draw the golden plates [is] they are something that lasts forever.

And today we’re talking about things that last for eternity, so I thought this would be a really great thing to draw. I can't wait to get going on this. Let's get started.

OK, so let’s get started drawing the Book of Mormon. I’m going to take out my black marker.

And if you need to pause the video at any time to just get caught up, you can go ahead and do that.

We’re going to go ahead and start working on this Book of Mormon. And I’m going to do this thing that I like to do where I like to create a couple dots.

It sometimes helps me to know where I’m going to draw my lines at before I draw them.

So, I'm going to start right here at this dot and connect it to this other dot because we're going to create a rectangle.

And you can do some more dots down here: one right here and one right here.

And then it’s just like doing a dot-to-dot.

You may or may not have done those before, but if you have, you know how fun they are.

All right. So, we got this rectangle here, and this is going to be the front of our golden plates.

And now to make it look like we have more pages, we’re going to just draw some more lines off to the side, starting at the top, going all the way down to the bottom.

And you can do as many pages as you like.

I'm guessing the golden plates were pretty thick.

And now we can connect them all right here, just like this.

All right. we have our front cover, and then we have all the different pages.

Now, they needed something to connect the golden plates together, so they were bound with some big rings. So I’m going to put a big dot right here.

Some of you guys have maybe gone to school before, and you have a Trapper Keeper.

But it holds all of your pages together.

And this kind of has like a Trapper Keeper too. It has these rings on it.

So, then we’re going to draw some rings, and you can just go straight out like this and then just loop them down to go underneath, kind of like a candy cane that goes sideways.

Just like that.

There we go.

All right. Those are the golden plates.

Now we want to put some words on the front of it so our friends or people that we're showing the picture to know what it is. So, I’m going to write “The Book of Mormon” on it. But you could put hieroglyphs on it or draw your letters however you want because we don't really know what the front cover of the golden plates looks like.

So, I am going to draw— I’m going to start by writing the word Book. So, we're going to do a B.

The next letter would be an O because we're writing Book.

And the reason that Heavenly Father— I can imagine why He would want them written on golden plates is because the golden plates— if you write something on gold or have it etched in gold, it lasts for a really long time.

And I’m pretty sure that He wanted that to last, or at least He said He did. He wanted it to last for a long time so that the people in the future could read the stories from the people in the past and the experiences that they had with their Heavenly Father about praying to Him and the lessons that they learned.

“Book of Mormon”: Mormon was one of the prophets that was in the Book of Mormon.

And he learned a lot about the gospel, and he wanted to share it with all of us. He wanted us to know what was contained in here.

So they wrote them on these golden plates so they’d last a long time.

And there's things that we want to last for a long time too because when we die, we can't take a lot of things with us. But there are things that we can take with us. There are things that we can do.

The nice things that we do for people or the nice things we say: we can take those with us into the next life.

And now I’m going to start coloring this Book of Mormon, and I’m just going to start with yellow, and I’m going to color the whole thing yellow.

Because there’s a lot of yellow in gold. It’s such a pretty, pretty type of metal.

Gold never fades. It doesn't rust.

It really lasts a long time.

And that's why I thought this would be a good thing to draw when we’re talking about things that will last forever or last for eternity, because gold lasts for eternity.

So, the stories that are written on here will last.

All right, there we go.

So, we got it all yellow. And now to make this look really shiny, I think it’s really fun to just go in here with some orange and just put some sideways line[s] on it. Because if you turn gold, you can see lots of different variations of yellow and orange colors and maybe some browns.

So, this just kind of helps make it shiny. And one thing that I’ve seen some people do when they do gold is they just leave some parts of it white, because it can get really shiny in the light.

And we're going to take another orangeish color.

You can use your orange or maybe pick a different color of orange, and we’re just going to go down the sides here.

And look at that! Now we have a nice, shiny Book of Mormon.

This is my finished Book of Mormon.

What I want to show you now— this is a Book of Mormon that was drawn by another child, that they sent in to us. And if you read right here, this one says “El Libro de Mormon.”

And what I think is really neat about this is this one is written in Spanish.

And one of the things about the Book of Mormon, or the golden plates, is it wasn’t originally written in either of these languages. It was written in a different language.

But our Heavenly Father, He wanted it to last forever so that we could have it for today and so it could be written in lots of different languages. And just like the Book of Mormon, we can do things in our lives that last forever. We can keep our Heavenly Father's commandments. We can do good things. We can make friends and do good things for people. And those things will last for eternity.

Anyway, that's it. I think these look great, and I can’t wait to see you guys during the next video. Bye.

The Gold Plates

The scriptures teach you more about Christ. In this video we’ll draw the gold plates that contained the Book of Mormon and talk about how God prepared a way for you to have the scriptures today.

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