
You may or may not have seen this before, but this is called a sunstone. This was something that was built on the Nauvoo Temple, which is one of the first temples that was built by the members of the Church. It helps represent one of the special things about temples that they bring light to the world, much like the Sun does when it rises in the morning.

So, I’m really excited to get started on this and to show you guys how to make your very own sun stones. Let's go.

All right. Let’s get started on this sunstone.

So, to start, we’re going to go close to the bottom of the page, and we’re going to do what I like to do, which is draw two dots.

One on each side of the page, and I like to draw these two dots because then I can connect them.

It makes it really easy to know where I’m going, so I can draw one line. And if you want to, you can do some more dots underneath that, but we’re going to make two more lines the same length.

Look at that. Those look good. And this is kind of going to be like the base of our sunstone. And now I’m going to go to where I created these dots, and I’m going to kind of angle them in. You can go straight down if you want, if that's easier. Sometimes the older kids they like to, kind of make it all cool and put angles in it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s cool. It’s just the way they like to do it, which is great.

And then on this bottom one, I’m just going to put a few more lines.

And the reason I'm doing that is because it'll make the stone look like it's really heavy. If you put a shadow on there, it just makes things feel so much heavier. And I bet a sunstone is just really heavy.

And now we’re going to go up here under the top of our sunstone, on this top line that we have. And I want to draw a circle, and this is going to be the face, or the sun, on the sunstone.

And that’s the most important part of the sunstone, because this sun is the part that represents the gospel being restored.

Because if you think about it, I’m going to put a little mouth right here. If you think about it, the sun rises in the east and what happens before the sun comes up?

I bet you guys know. How light is it outside? It's really dark.

So, when the sun comes up— let’s put two eyes on here.

When I do eyes, I like to leave a little white spot in the middle; makes it look kind of shiny if you want, or you can just do a dot.

But when the sun comes up, it just lights up the whole world.

And so, you can see why the early members of the Church would want to put a sunstone on their temple because the gospel had been restored.

And now we’re going to put these upside down V’s, or like ice cream cones; almost looks like a big ice cream cone with a big ice cream on it.

But we’re going to do a whole bunch of ice cream cones, little upside down V’s.

But yeah, you can really see how the Saints would have been really excited that the gospel was restored, because the sun brings so much light into our lives, just like the gospel brings so much light into our lives. So, you can see why the members would be really excited and why they would want to put a sun on the Nauvoo Temple to show all the light that it brings.

And now we’re going to go here and just right under here about where his ears would be, I’m going to draw a line out from both sides.

We’re going to connect those down, just like all the ones below it.

Now we want to draw starting from the side here. I want to do some big lines and go all the way up into the air, up into the sky, above the sun.

And now we want to connect these two at the top of our sunstone, right there just like that.

And now down here below it, on the original sunstone, there were probably some textures or things like that or some lines.

So, I just like to put a few in there cause I think they look fun.

You can do whatever you like there.

All right. And now the next part we’re going to draw are the trumpets that are on the sunstone.

And usually when people have something that’s really special, like the gospel brings so much light and happiness into people's lives, that they want to let everybody know.

So, we’re going to draw a couple of trumpets on this sunstone, and we want to make them kind of look like alligator mouths.

So, I’m going to do these that kind of point towards the outside of the stone, or like an alligator mouth. And then the other one, I’m going to have it point the other direction.

So, it's like this.

And now in the ends of the mouths, we’re just going to draw a little oval here, or if you want to you can just do a line straight down; it’s up to you. I think either way would just look great.

All right. So that is the finished drawing part of our sunstone.

Now I'm going to color it in.

I'm going to use the color yellow.

Because the sun is yellow, so I’m going to do a yellow sunstone. I don’t know if this is stone color or not, but I thought a yellow sunstone would look really good.

And if you like the color yellow, this is going to be your favoritist drawing that you’ve ever drawn.

So, I’m just going to get this all colored in.

And I think this also just shows or helps to show how bright and beautiful the gospel is and all the light that it can bring into our lives. And that’s what I want to show in my picture. I just want people to know how excited, and I feel like yellow is a very exciting color.

And it brings a lot of happiness.

I think just seeing the color yellow makes people happy inside.

So, I’m going to put some yellow all over this.

And the Lord has commanded us to build temples.

And the reason he’s done that is because he wants this light to be in everybody’s lives. He wants everybody to know about these things, which He's taught.

So not all temples, of course, you know, have a sunstone on them, but they all do the same thing. They’re a symbol of the restored gospel.

And it’s where we go to learn of Him and to learn about Heavenly Father and His teachings.

So, there’s my yellow sunstone, and I want to just put a couple dots here and there in it.

Because if you look at stone, there's little like rocks or pebbles in it, or there's little dings and stuff in it.

And so, to me, some people maybe think they look like freckles, but I think they kind of just really make it feel like stone.

Just really cool.

All right. So that is my finished sunstone.

I hope you guys like it. I want to show you one. This is one that another child did, and I just think it’s terrific. It doesn't look exactly like mine. That’s OK because she is her own artist, and I think this is beautiful. You can see she has her sun.

And I really love the expression on the face. He had a little bead there; she put some dots on it too, just like mine. Which is really cool. Just got all these lines down here.

I really can’t wait to see what you do. Remember that the sunstone is not on all the temples, but it does represent the Restoration of the gospel. Because remember, before we had the gospel or before they built this temple, the world was in darkness. And when the sun comes up, it just brings light to the world.

And that's what this sunstone does, and that's what temples do. So, this is my finished sunstone. I hope you like it. I would love to see what you do. Can’t wait to see you during the next video. Bye.

The Sunstone

When the sun comes up, it lights up everything it reaches. In this video we’ll draw a sunstone, which is a symbol that represents the light that the gospel brings to the whole earth.

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