
Hello. I’m Addie and this is my new friend Sarah. She’s an amazing artist. And today she will be painting a picture of Alma at the waters of Mormon. But there's something special about Sarah.

She wears a device which helps to hear the world in a unique way.

Isn't it cool how people live and create in different ways? Let's see what she can do.


What's your favorite thing?

Probably—I really like to draw in my free time. Whoa!

Are you going to be drawing on this?

Yes, I'm going to be painting on it.

I bet it'll look really cool. Yes.

Guess what I'm painting. What? What are you painting?

I'm going to be painting a picture from the waters of Mormon. I love that story! What kind of paint is it?

This is acrylic paint.

Why are we using acrylic?

We're using the acrylic because it sticks better on the glass.

This is a reference picture of the sketch I did.

What are those things behind the ear ears? They kind of look like ear pods.

These are cochlear implants. I got them when I was about six years old.

I need these because I cannot hear without them.

You know, I’ve had some eye surgeries. You did?

When I was born, I needed glasses, but we didn’t know until I was turning two, I think. So I had to go get the surgery and I could have gone blind.

Wow. That's a big story. Yeah, I'm glad you can see.

And I'm glad you can hear.

Alma was a good man who loved God and wanted to do what was right.

One day he heard a prophet named Abinadi speak about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alma was touched by Abinadi’s words and believed in his teachings.

Alma had faith in Jesus Christ and repented of his sins,

and then he began to teach other people about Jesus Christ.

He taught the people in a beautiful place near a fountain of pure water.

After the people learned about Jesus, they wanted to follow Him.

Alma invited them to be baptized.

The people were so happy to be baptized that they clap their hands for joy.

That looks so cool! How did you do that?

Thank you. Just like the people of Alma, when I was baptized, I made a covenant or promise to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ. I'm glad I was baptized.

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with me. I really love this It's so pretty! Well, thank you so much!

Wow, that was an amazing painting.

Thanks, Sarah. See you all next time.

Alma and the Waters of Mormon | Come Create with Me

Sarah is an artist who paints the story of Alma baptizing in the Waters of Mormon and shares with her friend Addie. Learn more about how the people wanted to be baptized and follow Jesus Christ in Mosiah 18-–24 in the Book of Mormon.

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