
The Creation of the Earth A beautiful home for Heavenly Father’s children God our Heavenly Father presented the plan of salvation in heaven.

We all shouted for joy!

We would be able to come to earth to receive a physical body.

While on earth, we would learn to follow God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord created the earth following God’s instructions.

On the first day, the Lord separated light from dark.

He called the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day, He divided the waters between the clouds in the sky and the oceans on the earth.

On the third day, the Lord formed great oceans and dry land.

He named the waters sea and the dry land earth.

He made the land beautiful with flowers, fruits, plants, and trees.

On the fourth day, He created the sun to shine during the day.

Then He created the moon and stars to shine at night.

On the fifth day, the Lord made the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky.

He blessed the creatures to multiply and blessed the fish to fill the waters.

On the sixth day, He created animals on the land, some that walked and some that crawled.

Man and woman were created in the image of God.

Heavenly Father told them to care for each other and have children.

Man and woman were also trusted to care for the land and animals.

Heavenly Father was happy with everything They created.

On the seventh day, They rested from all Their work.

The earth was beautiful and filled with life.

The Creation of the Earth

Heavenly Father presented the plan of salvation in heaven. Jesus Christ created the earth, where God’s children would receive a physical body and learn to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

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