
Abraham and Isaac A father, a son, and a sacrifice

Abraham and Sarah had a baby boy, just as the Lord promised.

They named him Isaac.

They loved Isaac.

They taught him to choose the right and to trust the Lord.

The Lord promised Abraham and Sarah that through Isaac

their family would grow to bless the whole earth.

But one day the Lord told Abraham to take Isaac to Mount Moriah

and offer Isaac as a sacrifice.

On their way to the mountain, Isaac asked where the lamb for the sacrifice was.

Abraham said the Lord would provide one.

On Mount Moriah, Abraham built an altar and placed wood on it.

As the Lord commanded, Abraham asked Isaac to lie down on the altar.

Isaac trusted Abraham just like the Savior Jesus Christ trusted His Father.

When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of the Lord stopped him.

Abraham showed his faith in the Lord.

Abraham knew he would always follow the Lord.

Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in the bushes.

The Lord provided the ram for the sacrifice.

Abraham and Isaac learned about how Heavenly Father would offer His Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice.

The Lord Jesus Christ trusted Abraham because he obeyed.

Abraham trusted the Lord’s promise that one day his family would grow beyond the number of stars in the sky.

Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Sarah named their baby Isaac. Through him their family would bless the earth. The Lord told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on an altar. He obeyed. An angel stopped him from sacrificing Isaac.

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