
Hey guys, there's a cool story in the Book of Mormon where the prophet Alma compares the word of God to a seed, so I thought it'd be fun to draw a picture of that seed and how it grows into a plant that grows this beautiful, delicious fruit.

Let's go draw.


All right. So let’s go ahead and start drawing our plant.

So before we can grow a plant, we have to have a place for it to grow out of the ground. So I'm going to draw the ground on here first.

And we need a place to put this seed in the ground. So I’m going to draw a big long U. And if it helps you can do a couple dots up here for where you want it to stop and end. So I'm going to put two dots here. And then I can just go down like this. And then I can go back up.

And now to create the earth here, you can make this whatever shape you want. You could do a bunch of curves.

And this is just going to be the dirt to plant our seed in.

I'm going to put some rocks here.

Maybe you could put another couple little dots here.

And just like if we want our testimonies to grow,

we have to show a little bit of faith, or we have to try to do the things that our Heavenly Father wants us to do. And so, just like that, we also need to have a seed to make a plant grow, just like we want our testimonies to grow. So I'm going to draw a seed down here in the bottom of our hole here. And it's just going to be kind of like a little football for my seed. There's lots of different shapes of seeds. So I'm just going to do two curves, one on the bottom and one on the top. You could put some dots or lines or textures on it if you want.

And so this is where our plant is going to grow from.

And I think this is going to be kind of fun because we can make it grow as we draw. So we're going to put some soil over here over the top of our seed. So we planted this seed just like we can plant

the things that we learn from church in our hearts. When we learn to do things like listen to the Holy Ghost, or when we do kind things for others, that's like planting this seed. All right, so let's start making this plant grow. And you can do whatever kind of windy, twisty plant you want. And ideally we want a plant that’s going to grow some great, tasty fruit. But we'll never know if this plant grows fruit unless we plant this seed first and start nourishing it by giving it water and food and planting it.

So I'm just going to draw this line up to the top of the soil

and then do another one right here.

Because we don't know if it's growing right away.

Maybe you can fill that in because it's all dark underground, but as soon as it pops up.

We know that that seed is working, that that’s a good seed right there.

So we can continue to make our plant bigger by adding some more sections to it. So maybe it gets bigger and bigger as we continue to water it and do everything that we need to take care of a plant,

and maybe it even has some branches that come off to the side. And you can draw these however you like.

You can see that mine is getting bigger and bigger. And growing.

And after it starts to grow, a plant will start to get some leaves.

And once it starts getting to some leaves, then we really have faith that we're going to start getting some fruit off of these plants, and you can do whatever shape of leaves you want.

I'm doing these kind of just like the seeds. I'm doing like some footballs.

For these seed-shaped leaves, or maybe they’re shaped kind of like lemons, but there's all kinds of shapes of leaves, so you could pick your favorite one.

And so I'm going to put some leaves on all of these branches.

And we can get really excited because once we see these leaves starting to grow,

we can be more sure that we’re going to get some really delicious fruit

off of this plant. And we’ll know that we did a good job,

that we did the right things, that we did all the things that we needed to to make this grow.

You could put some lines in these leaves

and decorate them however you like, and later on we’ll get to color them.

So I’m just going to have some fun drawing some lines in mine.

I think this makes them look a little bit more like leaves.

And if you need to pause or slow down at any time,

if I’m going too fast, you can pause the video

and wait till you’re caught up and then start it again.

All right, so there's all my different leaves. And then after the leaves come out, then it gets sun rays that come down here and it helps the plant grow fruit. So I'm just going to do a bunch of circles. You could do whatever shapes you like on here. But I'm just going to kind of put them underneath the leaves and maybe overlap them a little bit. So they look like little circles coming out from underneath the leaves.

Maybe mine look kind of like grapes. There's a lot of different types of fruits in the world, and you can make up your own type of fruit.

You can make yours look however you want.

Every single one of these plants is going to look different, just like we're all unique and we learn in different ways.

We all gain testimonies about our Savior in different ways, because we have different experiences.

And our Heavenly Father does ask us to do certain things to help us to grow these plants or grow our testimonies. Like He does ask us to be kind to each other, and He does want us to listen to the Holy Ghost and follow the things that it teaches us. And He wants us to have faith in the Savior. And as we do these things, this can happen, too. Just like we can see a plant grow, we can see our testimonies grow.

So let's go ahead and start coloring this. And I'm going to start by coloring the seed.

And just like we need this seed to grow,

we need to do certain things to help our testimonies grow. And while we're coloring this, we can think about some of the things that we can do to help grow our testimonies.

So I’m going to start, I’m just going to color my seed orange. And you can do whatever color you like for yours.

And maybe I do some brown here for the earth.

Because we need soil for this plant to grow.

What are some of the things that you can think of that our Savior has asked you to do that will help you grow a testimony?

Some of the things that I can think of is that our Savior, He wanted all of us to be baptized.

And He wanted us to be baptized in the water. And also a plant needs water to grow, too.

So if we water this plant, it will help it grow.

Maybe something else that you could do is do service for other people.

I'm going to start coloring in this plant here. And I'm going to put some green up in here.

Or we could do small acts of faith by praying.

Our Heavenly Father always wants to hear from us.

And as we pray to Him, He can answer our prayers and that will help our testimony grow.

And maybe we can do some big pretty leaves on here.

I'm going to do this dark blue color.

You can do whatever colors you like on yours.

No two pictures need to look the same, just like there's lots of different plants out there.

And you guys are all unique artists

that like to color things in your own ways.

Another big thing that we can do to help our testimonies grow is we can share our testimonies with other people.

Just like maybe you had a parent that taught you how to grow a plant, and they taught you how to put this seed in the ground.

When we go to church, our teachers there,

they teach us how to grow testimonies,

just like we can learn how to grow plants in our home.

And then as we see the plants grow, or we see our testimonies grow,

then we can know that it is a true thing,

or something that our Heavenly Father really wants us to do, because we can see that it grows and it makes us happy, and it makes delicious fruit for us to eat. As we grow our testimonies,

it begins to make us happy and we grow closer to our Savior, and we know that He loves us.

Okay, so there’s all my leaves. And so then the last part is the fruit. And that's when we know that we really succeeded.

And we know that we have all this delicious fruit here. This is what we wanted. This is why we planted this plant in the first place.

In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Alma states that the Word of God is like a seed and can help our testimonies to grow.

Acts of faith, like prayer or service, help our testimony of Jesus Christ grow just like these leaves grow.

Baptism and listening to the Holy Ghost help our faith grow.

Sharing our testimony helps our faith grow.

So just like this plant, if we do all the things that we were taught to do, to grow it by watering it and planting it, putting the earth on it and watering it and taking good care of it,

we can do the same thing with our testimonies.

We can follow our Heavenly Father's commandments, and as we do those things, our testimonies will grow.

Thanks for drawing with me. Can't wait to see you guys next time. Bye.

How to Draw a Plant | Come Create with Me

A sketch artist draws a plant with its original seed and root system growing into leaves and fruit. He explains the prophet Alma taught the word of God is like a seed that grows delicious fruit inside us. Learn more in the Book of Mormon.

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