
This week in Book of Mormon Stories you may have learned about the prophet King Benjamin who wanted to serve his people, so he built a tower to share a message with them. God sends us prophets to teach His message to us, and we can listen to them and learn from them.

I'm excited to draw this with you today, guys. Let's get going.


So let's go ahead and start drawing this picture of King Benjamin talking to his people. I want to start by drawing a bunch of tents down here along the bottom.

And all these tents faced the prophet so that they could all hear his voice.

So to do this you could draw different kinds of shapes for these tents. You can come up with your own tents and afterwards we can color them however you like.

But I'm going to do a couple on here, and to do my first one, I'm going to go somewhere down halfway, maybe a little below halfway on the page, and you could put a little dot on there so you know where you want to start.

And I'm just going to draw two lines that go down to create kind of like a pyramid for the top of this tent.

And then from both the ends of those I can go down again.

And that can be one of our tents.

And you can do different shapes if you like. If you want to,

you could do maybe like a curved tent. Maybe we’ll do one like that here. And if it helps, you can create little dots for where you want to start and end. So I'm going to put one right here. And I think I want this tent to end right here.

And then determine how high I want to go . If it helps to put a dot up there. And you can create little curves to go up there and then back down.

And then maybe we do some more tents kind of behind these ones. So you could

do the same kind of thing and put a couple other tents on here. Maybe this one's even further away. So I've got four different tents here.

So let’s go ahead and start drawing King Benjamin’s tower now.

And to do that, I'm going to go up close to the top of my page, because we want to make this a tall tower so that all the people can see and listen to what King Benjamin has to say.

So I’m going to go up here at the top and, find the middle of your page, and then if you want to, you can go a little bit to the left.

And that'll help us get our tower in the very center if you want to put it there, or if you want to put your tower over this way, that's okay too.

And do another little dot all the way over here on the other side.

Now I'm going to connect those.

And then you can create kind of like a rectangle or some kind of roof and just go down a little bit here and we'll connect those ones.

And then to do the sides of the tower, I'm going to go in off of this edge just a little bit and just go in a little bit. I can put a little dot there and do it on the other side, and that's where I want the sides of the tower to come down. And I'm just going to go all the way down to the tents.

So now you can see we have this big tower peeking up over the tents.

And now we might want to create some, maybe what looks like wooden beams so we can go a little bit from our other line. And if we're really careful, we might be able to follow that line all the way down. On both sides.

And then go most of the way up the tower. And we're going to create like a little window. So we're going to just put a little line through here,

right through the middle right there.

And this will be the place where we're going to put King Benjamin speaking.

So let's go ahead and start drawing King Benjamin in here. And I am going to do

the top of his head up here, and I think I'm going to give him some kind of little hat or something like that. So you could start by just drawing a little rectangle up here and make sure you give enough space for the rest of his body in here.

And then we can draw like the end of a seed or a football. Maybe we want his chin or his beard to come down to right there. So you could put a little dot. Sometimes putting little dots or marks can help us to know where we want everything to go.

And then we can go from his neck

and we can do two lines down to make his body on both sides.

So you can see that we're starting to have a person up there.

Now, I think for my King Benjamin, I want to have his arms going out, like he's kind of talking to all of his people or gesturing with his hands in some way, just like I'm doing.

And so you could do, like, stick figure hands here and you could start up at his neck. This is one way I like to do it.

And so that's where I know I want his arms to be.

But then after that we could draw some lines down like this to kind of make like his sleeves. Maybe he's got some big sleeves.

I don't know what kinds of clothes they wore back then, but it's fun to imagine what he would have worn.

And then to make hands, since he’s so far away, maybe we could just put little half-circles on the ends right there, and so it looks like his hands are out.

So now his face is going to be really small, so it might be hard to do really fancy eyes on here.

And so we'll probably just use like some little dots for his eyes.

Upward, up towards the top of his head.

And then we could do a little nose by making a little bowl just underneath the nose. And then if we want to create a beard, we can take the top of his nose and just go out to the side just like that on both sides. And hopefully you guys can see that.

Um, and then we can put a smile on his face.

And you can make him look however you want. You can do whatever kind of facial expression you want. You can make his mouth open.

This is your drawing and this is your imagination, and this is the way you imagine King Benjamin talking to his people.

Now we can put some other details on here.

Like we could make kind of the back side of this tower. Maybe there was a back side on it and we can kind of go behind his head.

And maybe go down or something like that. Like there’s a window behind it.

I think maybe I might even want to give him some ears. Now that I’m thinking about it, that might look cool, too.

And now let’s go ahead and I want to put some mountains behind here

just to make the image look really fun. And you can draw mountains however you like. It can be round, it can be triangular.

The fun thing about mountains is there's no correct or right shape or a right way to draw them.

So you can just have fun and draw whatever you like. You could put snowy peaks on them.

You could even put some trees back here if you wanted to, by the tents, or even add in some more tents so it really looks like a lot of people.

And now when we start doing this, I kind of wanted to just put a little heart in the middle of mine.

He probably didn't have a heart on his tower.

But I just wanted to draw this because it just reminds me of what King Benjamin was talking about, because he's talking about how we should help our friends and our neighbors, and we should serve other people. That's one of the things that he really wanted to tell his people is how to serve one another. All right. So let's go ahead and start coloring this.

I'm going to start with just coloring the tower. And you can use whatever colors you like.

I'm going to imagine that maybe he constructed a wood tower. And so I am going to take my brown marker, and I'm just going to fill in these areas.

And you can color this however you like.

You could use different colors for the roof and the bottom.

I think I'm just going to do this brown right here.

And if you want to, you don't even have to always color things in all the way. If you wanted to make this look kind of like wood, you could just put a lot of lines inside the tower

and that could look cool, too.

This is where you can use some of your own fun creativity.

Really, you can use your own creativity wherever you like on this drawing. This is your drawing. Sometimes in the shadows I like to use purple colors.

Or maybe they painted it on the inside.

You can really pick whatever colors you like.

And now I think for King Benjamin, I want to use . . . I’m going to use a blue color.

So you can see him up there talking to all of his people.

Sharing with them all the things that he wants them to know about obeying God’s commandments. He wanted to teach them about repentance.

And he really wanted us to learn to give thanks to God.

For all the blessings that they have.

So I’m going to color that heart in there pink.

So I think this is going to be one of the funnest parts. You can color these tents however you want, and you maybe have gone camping before and slept in tents or seen tents, but they can be all kinds of different colors. They can have patterns, they can have designs on them. So you can go nuts with this and do whatever you like. You can do spots, stripes.

So I’m going to grab a green marker, and for one of these I’m just going to draw some big, thick lines across it.

And I'm going to do these quick. And if you want to pause the video and take more time on this, you can and then start up again and we can talk more about it or see how our finished tents came out.

You can see here I'm going to even put some other smaller lines in between these other green lines.

So that’s one of my tents. And then maybe another one, I want to use a totally different color.

And maybe we’ll do some stripes on this one going up and down.

Maybe in-between the stripes on this one, maybe I want to do some zig-zag patterns.

King Benjamin was a prophet who really wanted to serve and help his people.

Let’s see, for this last tent, maybe I’ll make this one blue and this one,

maybe we’ll do some spots or something on it, or big circles.

King Benjamin was a prophet, so he gathered his people to teach them about Jesus Christ, and he taught them to serve each other, to give thanks to God for the blessings that they have, and to obey the commandments of God and to repent.

Prophets are sent by God to teach His children,

and we know that we can listen to prophets.

And this can be a fun thing for you to do, and while you’re drawing this, you can think about maybe the ways that you can serve other people,

or maybe imagine what it was like to listen to King Benjamin speak.

Maybe we could even go over those circles.

Mine looks kind of like an egg or something.

It's always fun to see how things are going to turn out.

But there's no wrong way to do a pattern on your tents.

And then I've got one more tent there in the background. Maybe I'll just get some red and I'm just going to color that one in solid. Maybe somebody just had a solid red tent peeking up over there.

And then if you want to, you could even color in the mountains, color in the sky. Maybe you could just shade it in a little bit here.

Don't even have to color it in all the way.

I'm just going to do a few fun lines like this.

And there is my finished picture of King Benjamin talking to his people. I can't wait to see what stuff you guys have done.

So look at all these beautiful pictures of King Benjamin up on this tower talking to his people. I think these are all great. They show all the different things we can do, all the different colors that we can pick to share our story of this wonderful experience. Thanks for drawing with us. We'll see you next time. Bye.

How to Draw King Benjamin | Come Create with Me

A sketch artist draws a picture of the prophet King Benjamin teaching people from a tower. The artist draws tents and the image of a heart for a message of love. Learn more about what King Benjamin taught about Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon.

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