
So I have a wall here. And now, if you can imagine, there's this big rock here in the middle. And if I took this out, what would happen?

Most likely all of these rocks would fall down. We call this rock a keystone. And if you read in the introductory pages of the Book of Mormon, it talks about how the Book of Mormon is the keystone to our religion. And so what that means is, is that the Book of Mormon has lots of things that teach us about Jesus Christ to help us know and understand Him, and it strengthens our faith in Jesus Christ and teaches us more about Him. So it’s very important, just like this keystone is. So we're going to have a lot of fun drawing this and talking about it. Let's get going.


So let's go ahead and start drawing this wall with a keystone.

And I'm going to start with the keystone for this wall. And then we'll build all the rest of the stuff around it.

And to do that, I'm going to find the middle of my page and go somewhere close to the top of the page, but not all the way to the top, because we want to put a little bird up here on it. And I’m going to

put some dots on here, figure out about how big I want it to be.

And you can draw a few dots if you need to, or you can just go ahead and draw your keystone like some kind of rectangle.

But doing these dots helps me to know where I want to put everything at.

And so then I can connect those.

And you could put a couple more down here if you want to.

But one of the nice things about rocks and stones is they can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, so you can draw them however you like.

And so now one of the things we want to do is we want to draw more stones coming all the way down to make our doorway here. And we have this great, strong keystone up here to make sure that nothing falls apart.

So to do that, I'm going to do an imaginary curve with my hand.

And if you want to, you can put a dot down here.

And then imagine where that curve is and then start filling in rocks. And if you want to, you could put a couple more dots for where you want each rock to be. You can make like a dot rainbow like this.

And that way you can create kind of like a curve there and you know where it's going to be at. So I'm going to start just filling in these rocks. And you can make rectangles or circle rocks.

You can make them triangles if you want to,

but you can just fill this in to make this neat little doorway.

And they don't all have to be the same size.

And then I'm going to do the same thing on the other side.

So I'm going to create some dots.

I want to get all the way down here to create my curve.

So I'm going to create a couple more of those in there.

And then I’m going to do the same thing. Starting at each one of those dots, I’m just going to create little rocks that go on here.

And now we can see that when we have all these rocks here, you can imagine that if you took this keystone out,

all the rest of these rocks would just fall over because they're all kind of already leaning this way. And so the keystone helps all of those stay in place right where they need to be, just like the Book of Mormon is so important to us because it testifies of Jesus Christ and everything that we have today. It even testifies of the Bible, that it is true. It’s another witness of Jesus Christ and of other prophets and the experiences they had.

So let's go ahead and let's start filling in the rest of our wall. And we can put more rocks here. I want to do, I think, the top of the wall first and just make a layer of rocks up here.

And so I want to go from about here, I think, to maybe about here for the top of my wall.

And I'm just going to make rectangles go all the way across it. They don’t have to be the same size. For mine, I think I want to keep the top of it as flat as I can.

And if you want to, you can make dots all the way across again to help keep it more straight.

But again, I think some really beautiful walls that are in the world, they do not have perfect straight rocks.

And that's one of the things that can make them look so beautiful, is that they all look so different.

All right, so there's the top of my wall.

So now, for one of the funnest parts, is you can fill this in with whatever kind of rocks and different sizes, whatever you want to fill the rest of this in.

And so I'm going to just start down here somewhere at the bottom. And I'm just going to put all kinds of shapes. And if you want to we can speed up this video, or if you need to slow down, you can pause it for a second if I’m going to quickly for you or you want to spend more time on it,

but you can just put lots of little shapes in here and just fill this whole thing up with all these stones.

And I bet people that build these kind of walls have a lot of fun doing this themselves, just filling this all in and just imagining how they could build this and make it look pretty, so we can even make our own walls without even having any rocks, and be an artist, just like people that build walls are also artists.

So we're going to put some more down here.

And while we’re drawing this, we can even think about how important the Book of Mormon is to us,

and what would we do if we didn't have the Book of Mormon?

It's a really important book because it's full of stories about the Savior that testify of Him and help us to know what commandments and things that we can follow and do to become like our Savior.

So you can imagine if we didn't have the Book of Mormon, there would be a lot of things that we wouldn't know.

A lot of stories about our Savior that wouldn't be shared with us.

Okay, so once we have all those rocks here, you could put in some more details if you would like.

I'm going to put some dark shadows under here. I'm just going to make some lines because to me, putting some dark lines on there just makes this look really heavy.

Kind of like a shadow.

And you could maybe even put in some grass lines up above it if you want to, too, just to make it look fancier, you could add some flowers, whatever you want to put on your wall.

And then last, I want to put a little bird up here just for fun, enjoying coming and sitting down on this wall. I've seen birds land on all kinds of things, like power lines and on walls and other things. Seems like a nice place to sit and look at all the beautiful things the world has. And I’m just going to start by creating

kind of like an upside-down J. And I’m just going to start right here up a little bit above the wall, and I’m going to do a curve and just go down all the way to the wall.

And then for his mouth, you could do a little beak that comes out,

like a little triangle. You can maybe put a little mouth underneath it.

And then do the rest of his body on the other side, just where this hits the beak. Just go the rest of the way down. And then you got his body there.

And then if you want to, you can add some other details, like maybe the bird has some wings or maybe a little belly area on there that might be a different color.

And you could put eyes on your bird.

Maybe it looks like he's looking off this way and then put some feathers for the tail.

Okay. So let's go ahead and start coloring this wall.

I'm going to take this gray marker here.

And I'm going to do something kind of fun where I'm not going to draw the whole stone or color the whole stone in.

I think I’m just going to kind of color in this bottom part of it,

and that can be kind of a fun way to just create a shadow on it and make these kind of heavy.

But I think you could do this whatever colors you like.

You could do purple on here or you could do green stones. You can even put little dots on here to make textures.

So you can have a lot of fun with just coloring these in.

But sometimes it’s fun to just color them in a little bit

and just create these fun textures here.

And the cool thing about stones is they come in all different kinds of colors.

And one of the things that we could think about while we’re coloring this in

is, you might wonder why, at the beginning of the Book of Mormon,

it says that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. So this keystone here, right here, this is like the Book of Mormon.

And so when we say that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion,

this means that the Book of Mormon helps us to know and understand Jesus Christ.

And, so you could think about what happens if this keystone is removed.

Then everything else could begin to just fall apart and things wouldn't make sense.

The Book of Mormon can strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by teaching you more about Him.

So we can be really grateful that we have the Book of Mormon,

because it helps us to also know that the Bible is true, and that it is also the Word of God and the things that He wants us to know.

And so I think one of the really great things that we can do,

since we know about the Book of Mormon, is it's something that we can share with our friends and our families.

And people that might not know about the Book of Mormon, we could tell them about it.

So that they can also know about this wonderful gift that we have.

All right, so now that I have all these stones colored in,

I think I want to just add some more color to this because right now it's really gray. So you could do some fun things, like just add in some green grass down here if you want.

But maybe yours is already colorful. Maybe you got purple and red stones. I think that would look really awesome. You could do whatever colors you want.

And you could even put some flowers down here in the grass.

I'm just going to add some here.

Can draw whatever kind of flowers you like.

I’d love to see what kinds of stuff you put in your pictures.

And this can be one of the creative things where you can just do your own things here, however you like it.

And then I want to color this little bird up here and I’m going to color mine blue. You could do yours, red or purple,

or whatever your favorite colors are.

And then maybe I take this orange again.

All right.

So this is my finished picture of a keystone holding up this wall,

which symbolizes the Book of Mormon and how important it is that we have it, because without it, a lot of other things would fall apart. And there's a lot of things that we wouldn't have and know about our Savior.

All right, here's the finished keystones that we drew. I would love to see some of the stuff that you guys have made. Thanks for drawing with us today, guys. We'll see you next time. Bye.

How to Draw a Keystone | Come Create with Me

An artist draws sections of rock and the placement of a keystone, creating a doorway or wall. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and teaches us faith in Jesus Christ.

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