
The Army of Gideon Trusting the Lord in battle

The people of Israel were blessed for many years.

But then they chose to disobey the Lord.

To help them remember Him, the Lord let their enemies

the Midianites take their food and animals.

The Israelites were starving, so they remembered the Lord and prayed to Him for help.

Gideon was a man from a poor family.

The Lord sent an angel to call him to free Israel.

Gideon wondered why the Lord chose him.

The Lord told Gideon to destroy places where the Israelites worshipped false gods.

When Gideon obeyed, the people were mad.

The Israelites wanted to kill Gideon.

But Gideon’s father convinced them not to hurt him.

Gideon was kept safe.

Gideon did not think he could free Israel.

There were more than 135,000 soldiers in the Midianite army.

But the Lord gave Gideon wisdom and strength.

The Lord wanted the Israelites to know that they could win with His strength, not their own.

Even though Israel had only 32,000 soldiers, the Lord asked Gideon to send home any soldiers who were scared.

After 22,000 went home, the Israelites were left with 10,000 soldiers.

The Lord said 10,000 was still too many soldiers.

He told Gideon to take the army down to the water.

Those who drank straight from the water with their mouths would be sent home.

Those who used their hands to drink the water could stay.

Now only 300 men were left.

At last, the Israelites were ready to fight.

The Lord showed Gideon how to defeat the Midianites.

Gideon told his army to use trumpets and lamps to scare them.

The noise and the lights confused the Midianites so much that they started to fight each other.

Then they cried out and ran away.

Because Gideon trusted the Lord, the Israelites beat the large Midianite army with only 300 soldiers.

The Lord freed the people of Israel.

The Army of Gideon

Gideon was a man from a poor family. The Lord called him to free Israel. The Lord gave Gideon wisdom and strength. Gideon trusted the Lord and beat the large Midianite army with only 300 soldiers.

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