
Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teach us that our families can be united for eternity. That includes parents and children, grandparents, and our ancestors who came before us.

They can all be united in eternal families through the ordinances in the temple. These kids are learning about their ancestors. Can you help them find out neat things about their families?

Masato looks through an old picture album and sees that his grandfather was a sushi chef.

He had his own restaurant.

Can you find things that Masato’s grandfather needed to make sushi?

You can pause the video if you need more time. Did you find a bowl of rice?

A wooden spoon? A fish? That’s right!

Learning about his grandfather helps Masato feel connected with his eternal family. Chelsea’s great grandmother was an artist.

She would paint and make sculptures.

Some of her artwork is on the walls in Chelsea's house.

Chelsea loves that because she does art too.

Can you find items that Chelsea's grandmother might have used?

Did you point to the paintbrush? The easel? The artist’s palette?

The tube of paint? Great work!

Kwasey’s mom and dad joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints before he was born. Kwasey’s parents learned about the Church, the Book of Mormon, and the temple from the missionaries.

Can you find items that helped them learn about Jesus Christ?

Did you find these special items? A Book of Mormon?

A picture of the temple? And a missionary nametag? Great job!

You've helped these kids find out about their ancestors. Can you learn interesting things about your ancestors too?

You can start by learning about your parents, or grandparents, or even finding out about your great grandparents.

When you do, you'll be learning about your eternal family.

You can record your own history too, by keeping a journal or collecting photos.

Thanks for playing.

Game Series | Uniting our Families

A child’s voice tells us how families are united for eternity through covenants with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the temple. Images of ancestors are shown, and we are asked what types of pictured activities are related to those ancestors.

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