
Elisha Heals Naaman How a great miracle followed simple faith

Far away in Syria lived a man called Naaman.

He was a great captain in the Syrian army.

But Naaman had a painful skin disease called leprosy.

The servant of Naaman’s wife was an Israelite girl.

The girl had faith in the Lord.

She said that if Naaman could visit the prophet Elisha, Naaman would be cured from his disease.

Naaman traveled a long way to find Elisha.

Naaman thought he would be healed by a great miracle.

Naaman came to Elisha’s home with his servants, horses, and chariots.

Elisha sent his servant to give Naaman the Lord’s instructions.

The Lord would heal Naaman if he washed himself in the Jordan River seven times.

Naaman was angry because he wanted the Lord’s prophet to come out and quickly heal him.

Naaman complained that the Jordan River was not as good as the great rivers in Syria.

But Naaman’s servants asked why Naaman would not do such a simple task.

Even if it didn’t make sense to Naaman, the prophet of the Lord had asked him to do it.

Naaman stopped being proud and listened to his servants.

He washed himself in the Jordan River seven times.

Then the Lord healed Naaman, like Elisha said.

Naaman knew that Elisha was a prophet and that the Lord was real.

Elisha Heals Naaman

Naaman traveled to find the prophet Elisha to cure his skin disease. Elisha’s servant instructed Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman complained but obeyed and was healed.

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