
It comes from a lot of effort into this mo

When I was six, my brothers had me act in a movie they made.

This is The Fugitives Three.

I thought it was awesome but since I'm the youngest brother,

most of my lines got cut.

And then, we now had--

I'm also 99% sure that it was recorded over my baby

videos since the footage just bookend the shots like this.

Then on your seventh birthday, Daniel started to crawl.

And he's a cruiser when he's little four and a half months old.

They were probably just trying to get back at me

for having the camera for the previous six years.

Come here, David, [?] there we go.

Looking back on these videos is really special because

that street in front of my house was my whole world.

That was a while ago, though.

Since then, I've developed a passion for documenting everything.

Now, after 18 years and 6 continents,

I've documented much more than just that small street.

This summer, I went to Peru with some of my extended family.

We took a train out to Machu Picchu, where my grandpa proved

that he still wouldn't let his kids show him up.

My grandpa right here is 81 years old and undeterred, still hiking it.

How do you feel grandpa?

A little tired, but I'm okay.

As we hiked, my dad pointed out that he remembers

my grandpa filming the trips they used to go on,

but he doesn't remember ever seeing the footage.

I asked my grandpa about the camera he had used,

and he said that he still had it.

It's an eight-millimeter film camera that he bought in the '60s

when my dad was four.

As soon as we got home, I made him send it to me.

Along with that camera,

we got 15 rolls of film that I don't think anyone has ever seen.

I sat down with my dad and we looked through this film

of when my dad was four, and when his mom died, and the funeral.

Them going to Lake Powell and jumping off the cliffs.

[?] they got their finger in the mouth the same way.

That's me. Oh, riding my bicycle for the very first time.

It wasn't made for the internet.

It wasn't made to be shared with friends.

It was simply made to document

a beautiful life that's ordinary and amazi

My dad's up on the tree.

I just wonder if a picture's worth a thousand words,

what are these worth?

I'm going to punch back too.

First, David, he's been able to ride by himself.

My message is to get your old videos and to get them digitized,

get them organized,

and have them accessible along with new video that you're creating today.

I think we got it.

I think we're good.

Rolled Up Memories

What story do your home videos share about you? Watch as one man discovers his own family videos and works to digitize them.

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