
Hi friends, it’s me, Jane.

Today I'm exploring a trail that will teach me about the covenant path.

Covenants are promises we make with our Heavenly Father.

And the covenant path will lead us back to Him.

Want to learn with me? Hmm, I’m not quite sure where to start?

I think I should go that way.


Why did the path lead me to water?



Hi friends, I'm Anthony. And this is Alice. Welcome. Today we’re talking about covenants and promises.

Do you know when we make our very first covenant?


I know, it's when we're baptized. That's right. Baptism is an ordinances with a covenant.

The ordinance is being baptized by priesthood authority, the covenant is the promise we make to serve God and keep His commandments.

Now I get it.

When we’re baptized, that’s the ordinance, and the covenant is the promise to follow Jesus.

Jesus is the perfect example for us to follow.

So maybe the best way to become good at following Jesus is to practice every day.

Would you like to learn more about baptism?

Let's watch a story about a girl named Sophia that will be baptized soon.

Wee! Down to the pot of gold!

Made it safe. Hey, Ava, watch this! Wee!

Ooh… I totally meant to do that.

Cool. Yeah, super cool, huh? Oh, I just remembered. So in three days… or maybe four days… but I think three, I’m gonna be baptized.

Wanna come? Baptized?

What's that?

Well, I’m gonna wear my pretty dress to the Church.

I'll go inside where my family will be.

And then I'll get in the water. And my dad, too. Then I'll go under the water!

And then there's the Holy Ghost.

Doesn’t that sound great? Ghost?

Why are you gonna do that? Because now I'm eight years old.

I guess I’m just confused. Um, oh, I thought I explained it good. Sorry.

I’m gonna go now because… I am.

Bye Sophia!

You're home early.

Izzy, did you have friends come see you get baptized? Sure. Why? I invited Ava. But when she asked why, I don’t think I did a very good job explaining it right. You blanked out, right when it mattered, huh? I do that, too.

Let's talk about it.

So, baptism,

it’s a way that you show Heavenly Father that you’re willing to follow Jesus. I know. I can’t wait! And when we do that, we make a promise and that promise is called a covenant. Yeah! I make promises all the time.

I made one at school today.

I need you to bring this back after recess, okay? I promise! But a covenant's a little different.

It’s a two-way promise where two people each promise something to each other. Like last night!

Mom! Yes? Can I have dessert?

If you finish up your soup.

Promise? Yes, I promise. If you promise to eat all your soup and put your dishes in the sink.


It's for the chocolate cake.

Right. But it's a lot more.

Heavenly Father sets the conditions of the agreement, which are like the rules.

If you promise to serve Him and keep His commandments, then He promises to bless us with His spirit. I agree to do whatever Heavenly Father says. And if I do that, He'll bless me with the Holy Ghost. Exactly.

Wow, you explained that better than I did.

Hi, Sophia!

Hey, so in two days… or maybe it was three days… but I think two days, I’m getting baptized! Can you come?

I still don’t really know why you’re doing that.

Oh, so I’m gonna make a coven… a covenant with God.

It's like an agreement. If I obey Heavenly Father, He promises to bless me. You're doing it for blessings? Yeah! He promises to be with me.

And it’s the right thing to do because Jesus did it.

I want to be like Him.

So wanna come?

Okay! I’ll ask my mom.

And after we may even get a treat back at my house.

But I’m not supposed to know that.


Hey! Did you like it? Yeah, it was cool. Super cool, huh? I felt so warm and happy inside.

I know it was the Holy Ghost telling me that I made a good choice. Mmm… thanks for coming.

I like your dress! Me, too! And I like yours! Thanks! Watch this!

Hi! Ashely, this is my friend Ava. Ava, this is Ashley. She’s super cool, too!

That was so cool, how Sophia invited her friend Ava.

I can't wait until I get baptized.

I love the song we sing in Primary about Jesus being baptized. Sing along with us.

I figured it out. Water symbolizes baptism. The first step on the covenant path is being baptized, just like Jesus was. When Jesus says to “come, follow me”, He means to do what He would do.

And we can all follow Him by being baptized and promising that we are willing to take upon us His name,

and that we will always remember Him and keep His commandments.

Hey! A campfire!

This looks important.

Hmm… water, then fire.

Water means baptism.

What is fire?

Maybe a scripture can help me out.

"Be baptized, even by water.

And then,

and then cometh the baptism of the fire and of the Holy Ghost.”

After baptism, we’re given the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is like a fire because it lights the way and purifies us when we repent.

Is it just me, or did the path just get a lot brighter?

I can’t wait to see where it will lead me.

The Holy Ghost is a spirit, who's a member of the Godhead.

Before we’re baptized He could tell us in our minds and our hearts that Jesus loves us and that we should follow Him.

And after we get baptized we are confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, which means the Holy Ghost can be with us all the time.

But how do I know when the Holy Ghost is with me?

Hi friends!

It's President Johnson, the Primary General President!

Hi, President Johnson!

It’s great to be with you.

And that's a great question.

The Holy Ghost guides us, comforts us when life is hard, and warns us when we're doing something we shouldn't.

The Holy Ghost can help us be safe.

Does He actually talk?

I don't know if I've heard Him before.

Sometimes the Holy Ghost speaks to you in a still small voice.

It can be as simple as an idea in your head.

Often it's a happy or peaceful feeling.

The Holy Ghost lets us know that something is true or good by giving us

that peaceful feeling.

And sometimes the Holy Ghost warns us by giving us feelings of uneasiness or caution.

He can prompt us to act to keep us safe.

That helps me learn to feel or hear the Holy Ghost better. We have another special guest waiting for us in the craft room to show us a fun way to share our experiences of the Holy Ghost.

Goodbye, friends.



Hi, Anthony! Hi, Alice! Hi. My name is Ben.

I love to draw pictures that tell stories.

Today we're going to make a journal where we can write stories about times when we've felt the Holy Ghost. Wanna join me?

Yes! Awesome!

All you need is some paper and something to draw with.

You can use any size paper.

The first step is to take your paper and fold the pages together in half, like this.

That was easy. Now what do we do?

Get something to draw with, some pencils, Crayons, or pens. And let's decorate the cover.

I'm going to draw a sunset.

Sunsets remind me of the Holy Ghost because of all the warm colors.

First, we're going to color some water.

We do this by drawing a line across the bottom through the middle.

Then we draw some other lines to be reflections.

We also want to draw some waves.

Next, we're going to draw some clouds.

At sunset the clouds are orange or pink.

The bottoms of clouds are flat.

So we'll draw two lines for the bottom of our clouds and we'll draw the tops like this.

Next, we're going to draw the sun.

You might choose yellow or orange.

Sometimes the sun is orange during sunset.

I'm going to use yellow.

You’ll draw a semi-circle, like this, and then color it in…

We also need sunbeams.

You can draw the sunbeams by drawing a line at the top

and then two lines at the side.

Now we can measure in between and get about halfway between and draw the rest of our sunbeams.

We go halfway between again here to draw the rest of our sunbeams.

We're almost finished.

Let's add some birds.

You can make your birds by doing two semi-circles that are

connected, those are the wings.

You can draw as many birds as you’d like.

All right, let's see your pictures!

Those look fantastic! I really like them.


What are some other things that we can draw or write about to tell stories in our journal about times we felt the Holy Ghost? I'm gonna draw a lightbulb because the Holy Ghost is like a light that helps me know what is true.

I’ll draw a heart with a smile because that’s how the Holy Ghost makes me feel. Those are great ideas.

While you guys are drawing, I'm going to write in my journal…

Okay, let's see your pictures.

Wow! That looks fantastic!

Good job, Alice and Anthony!

When I’m done filling my book with stories about the Holy Ghost,

I want to share it with my friends and family.

Maybe they'll remember times that they felt the Holy Ghost. Me, too! Thanks for coming, Ben!

You’re welcome! Thanks for drawing with me.

That was a fun activity.

Who can you share stories of the Holy Ghost with?

Let’s see what kids around the world have created.

[Instrumental music playing: “The Holy Ghost”]

Quick update.

I’ve been stumbling along here, made a wrong turn, tripped over a log, but now I’m back on the right path.

But I feel like I’m running out of energy. Oh, look!

Sister Wright?

It’s Sister Wright from the Primary General Presidency!

What are you doing here?

Hello! I’m learning about the covenant path, too.

Thank you. I was thirsty.

I'm glad you can join me. I've been looking over the Children's Guidebook and reading the scriptures.

I came across this verse where the Savior says, “I am the bread of life.

He that cometh to me shall never hunger.

And he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”

What does that remind you of?

That reminds me of taking the sacrament each week at church.

Yeah, me too.

What do you think it means?

Hmm. I think that means we get our strength from Jesus, just like our bodies get it from food.

I think so, too.

The sacrament gives us a chance to think about Jesus Christ

and to renew the promises we made at baptism.

The bread represents His body and the water represents His blood.

By taking the sacrament, we show that we accept the sacrifice the Savior made when He died for us.

I'm going to listen to the words of the sacrament prayer more carefully

so that I don't forget.

Guess I'll keep going.

I'm excited to see what's next.

Oh, food!

Thank you, Sister Wright! Thank you. Have fun!

Sometimes I forget to keep the promise to be like Jesus and obey Heavenly Father’s commandments.

I'm not always kind or honest. I can sometimes get angry or act selfish.

We all forget sometimes, but don’t give up. Following Jesus takes daily practice.

It’s like learning anything new, a game, a sport, or how to play the piano, you need practice.

Did somebody say something about playing the piano?

Hi, Sister Porter! It's Sister Porter from the Primary General Presidency!

Hey, I'm over here!

Hi, Sister Porter! Hi, Sister Porter! Hi!

Do you know, when I first started learning the piano I could only play simple songs, and I made a lot of mistakes.

[plays a simple rendition of “I Am a Child of God”]

But my parents and my teachers helped me and I kept learning and practicing.

Can I play something for you know that I’ve been learning?

Mm-hmm. Yeah! Okay. See if you recognize this.

[plays an elaborate rendition of “I Am a Child of God”]


After you get baptized and promise to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments, you’ll make mistakes and not be perfect at it.

But we can pray to Heavenly Father, ask Him to forgive us,

and help us change.

Like practicing the piano, we must practice keeping our covenants.

It's important that we take the sacrament each week,

repent, and make our baptism covenant again.

Doing so, helps us continue to receive the Holy Ghost

and become more like Jesus.

What does it really mean to follow Jesus?

How will I know if I'm doing it right?

The scriptures teach us how Jesus lives.

We know that He loves Heavenly Father and each one of us.

He lives the commandments and He's kind, patient, and helpful.

We promise to do the same when we’re baptized.

That reminds me of one of my favorite Primary songs, “He Sent His Son”. I know that one!

[Playing and singing: “He Sent His Son”]

Isn't that a beautiful song?

Thanks, Sister Porter.

Thanks for letting me visit with you, friends. And remember, you’re not alone on the covenant path!

We will. Goodbye! Bye-bye!

Today, we learned about three important steps along the covenant path back to our Heavenly Father.

First, we can get baptized and covenant to follow Jesus and Heavenly Father.

Second, we can receive and listen to the Holy Ghost.

And third, we can take the sacrament every week, repent, renew our baptism covenants,

and continue to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Hello again!

Those are wonderful lessons you've learned today. The covenants and promises you make with Heavenly Father will bless you and your family and friends.

I want you to know that Heavenly Father loves you.

He sent you to earth with a special purpose.

As you follow the example of Jesus Christ, you will be blessed with strength to stay on the covenant path, even when it gets hard.

And as you make covenants and follow Jesus Christ you can love and serve others and remind them that they are loved by their Heavenly Father, too.

Thanks for sharing that, President Johnson. Yes, thanks for coming back to visit us.

I enjoyed talking with you.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

And thank you all for being here with us to learn more about the promises and blessings of the covenant path.

Be sure to fill up your journal with experiences with the Holy Ghost and share it with others.

See you next time!

Just like this hiking path, staying on the covenant path takes effort...

Wow! But it's worth it!

It's beautiful!

I can’t wait to show you what comes next!

Friend to Friend: Baptism, the Holy Ghost, and the Sacrament (Full Broadcast)

A virtual half-hour children’s show hosted by 3 Latter-day Saint kids presents the covenants and ordinances associated with baptism. We hear insight from Sisters of the Primary General Presidency.

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