
Hi friends, it's me, Jane.

Today I'm exploring a trail that will teach me about the covenant path.

Covenants are promises we make with our Heavenly Father.

And the covenant path will lead us back to Him.

Want to learn with me? Hmm, I'm not quite sure where to start?

I think I should go that way.

Water? Why did the path lead me to water?



Hi friends, I'm Anthony. And this is Alice.

Welcome. Today we’re talking about covenants and promises.

Do you know when we make our very first covenant?

Oh! I know, it’s when we’re baptized. That's right. Baptism is an ordinances with a covenant.

The ordinance is being baptized by priesthood authority, the covenant is the promise we make to serve God and keep His commandments.

Now I get it.

When we're baptized, that's the ordinance, and the covenant is the promise to follow Jesus.

Jesus is the perfect example for us to follow.

So maybe the best way to become good at following Jesus is to practice every day.

Would you like to learn more about baptism?

Let's watch a story about a girl named Sophia that will be baptized soon.

Friend to Friend: Introduction

A young girl hikes to a body of water and segues to a boy and girl who explain the first stop on the covenant path; the ordinance of baptism and the covenant, or promise, to keep God’s commandments.

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