
That was so cool, how Sophia invited her friend, Ava.

I can't wait until I get baptized.

I love the song we sing in primary about Jesus being baptized. Sing along with us.

I figured it out. Water symbolizes baptism.

The first step on the covenant path is being baptized, just like Jesus was. When Jesus says to “come, follow me”, He means to do what He would do. And we can all follow Him by being baptized and promising that we are willing to take upon us His name, and that we will always remember Him and keep His commandments.

Hey! A campfire!

This looks important. Hmm… water, then fire.

Water means baptism. What is fire? Maybe a scripture can help me out.

“Be baptized, even by water. And then,

and then cometh the baptism of the fire and of the Holy Ghost.”

After baptism, we’re given the gift of the Holy Ghost,

which is like a fire because it lights the way and purifies us when we repent.

Is it just me, or did the path just get a lot brighter?

I can’t wait to see where it will lead me.

Sing-Along Song: “Baptism”

A popular primary song with related images sings of Jesus being baptized by immersion by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The song concludes that we too can follow Jesus by being baptized.

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