
Quick update. I've been stumbling along here, made a wrong turn, tripped over a log, but now I'm back on the right path.

But I feel like I'm running out of energy. Oh, look!

Sister Wright?

It's Sister Wright from the Primary General Presidency!

What are you doing here?

Hello! I’m learning about the covenant path, too.

Thank you. I was thirsty.

I'm glad you can join me. I've been looking over the Children's Guidebook and reading the scriptures.

I came across this verse where the Savior says, "I am the bread of life.

He that cometh to me shall never hunger.

And he that believeth on me shall never thirst." What does that remind you of?

That reminds me of taking the sacrament each week at church.

Yeah, me too.

What do you think it means? Hmm.

I think that means we get our strength from Jesus, just like our bodies get it from food.

I think so, too.

The sacrament gives us a chance to think about Jesus Christ and to renew the promises we made at baptism.

The bread represents His body and the water represents His blood.

By taking the sacrament, we show that we accept the sacrifice the Savior made when He died for us.

I'm going to listen to the words of the sacrament prayer more carefully

so that I don't forget.

Guess I'll keep going. I'm excited to see what's next.

Oh, food!

Thank you, Sister Wright! Thank you. Have fun!

Video: Sister Wright Talks about the Covenant Path

Our young hiker and host meets Sister Wright of the Primary Presidency. They talk of the covenant path and the purpose of the Sacrament and how it represents Jesus’s sacrifice and atonement for us.

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