
Hi, I'm Brother Wilcox.

The other members of the Young Men and Young Women General Presidencies and I are on a mission.

We want to find out how you are trusting in the Lord.

I'm here at an early morning seminary class. You can tell they're just getting out of bed.

Hey, come here, you guys.

How are you trusting in the Lord?

Um, reading my scriptures every day, prayer, the sacrament.

Are you reading your scriptures every day? Okay, yeah, not every day, but most days.

So what helps remind you to read the scriptures? Um, an alarm on my phone, like, my mom asking me to.

For me, it's following the promptings that the Holy Ghost gives me every day and trying, even if they're not something that I quite understand why

it's given to me.

Actually, I didn't do it myself. It was my mom. Even though- Gotta love moms!

Gotta love moms! I gotta love my mom.

She's the one that actually said, "Okay, just-it will come.

Just have patience.

I know this is a trial. Everybody has trials." I want you to look right at the camera and say, "Thanks, Mom." Thank you, Mom.

For me, a big one is praying.

I pray every night and every morning, and just having that constant communication is really big, I think, for always being able to trust the Lord. Because if you don't-if you know him, you can trust him.

Oh, I love what you said. If you know him, you can trust him.

Oh, great insights.

Okay. How do you trust the Lord with all your heart?

Well, throughout my life, I’ve learned that it’s okay to not know, and it’s okay to not know what's going to happen next in your life.

My favorite hymn is "Where Can I Turn for Peace?" And one of my favorite

phrases in that hymn is "reaches my reaching." Well, for me, the past couple months have been really difficult.

It's almost felt like He hasn't been there for me, occasionally, but it was

back in December when I got a text message from one of my

friends, and it was a Light the World. And she was telling me how much she loved me. And I realized that that's what I was missing, and that's what I needed. And that's kind of like how I knew He was there for me.

And so it's just kind of the little things in my life that I've noticed that He's-that He's there for me, that I can trust in Him.


Thank you.

So we're in a time in our lives in high school where you have to make a lot of

big decisions. And so obviously you want to let the Lord help you make sure that you're

on the path that He wants you to be on.

And so for things like college, I was like, “Where am I going to go? I don't know what to do.

I have a plan.” That’s big. Yeah. And so I was praying one time and I was like, "Where should I go?" And I just got this voice in my head that was like, "Why are you asking where you should go when you haven't even researched it yet?" Like, I just think it's interesting when you, like, rely on the Lord, He actually trusts you a lot more than you think, and He wants you to try and learn for yourself what you should be doing with your life.

So He trusts you as you trust Him.

Interview: President Cordon and Brother Wilcox Talk with Seminary Students

Brother Ahmad Corbitt from the Young Men General Presidency talks with young men about how to trust in the Lord at school from the March 9, 2022 Face to Face for Youth.

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