
I'm here with Alina, I'm here with Alanna, and I'm here with Aidan.

All your names start with A.

That means we have got the A team right here.

Aidan, you're from Missouri, and Alanna, you're from Kansas, and Alina, you're from California, but you all have one thing in common: FSY.

Let's talk about your FSY experience.

What were some of the activities that really got you excited?

Oh my goodness, definitely the dances. Those were so fun, just being able to hang out with everyone and dance with the leaders. I have, like, videos of my phone of the leaders dancing, and I like them a lot.

They're so funny.


Those counselors can–can bust a move, can’t they? Yeah. What about you, Aidan?

Pizza night was where it was at.

We, you know, we'd been having all these spiritual experiences and also the fun ones, and then we just got to go, and we got, like, several pizzas. We didn't actually eat all of it, which was surprising between 11 guys.

It was such a cool experience.

Oh, that's fun.

Alanna, do you remember game night? Yes. I was going to say, that was probably one of my favorite moments was Game Night, which- Now we're not talking electronic games. We're not talking board games.

Tell them a little bit about the games we're talking about.

Yeah. So I love these games, because they were outside and they were very active, and you were able to run around and so fun.

But then I loved how our counselors were able to tie that into the gospel. With each game, they would teach it to us, and we would go through the game, and then they would explain to us how that pertained to the gospel. And I thought that was awesome.

Alina, how did FSY help you learn to trust in the Lord?

I feel like for me, FSY helped me realize that when I'm going through trials and when I'm going through temptations, just to have faith. The testimony meetings and all like the lessons that they taught, that the leaders taught, there were some pointers that they said that really did mention trusting in the Lord.

So it was really amazing to go through all these classes and all these different devotionals and to be able to grow my testimony and learn more about myself and my relationship with my Savior and Heavenly Father-and to

understand that I'm a daughter of God, and He loves me, and He's aware of me.

And He has a plan for me, and He's going to place me where He wants me.

It seemed like every personal gospel study, every devotional, every talk, everything was about why we're here, who we are.

And I gained a really deep testimony of my relationship with my Heavenly Father that-I think about it every day since FSY, because it's had such a profound impact on how I'm able to trust in God, because I know Him and I know

the relationship I have with Him. And because of that, everything else that I think I need to know, I don't really need to know, because I can trust in that relationship until this is all figured out.

Love that.

So many people say, "Oh, the youth of today are horrible.

The youth of the day, the youth of today have problems. The youth of today are all messed up." But they've never had the chance that I've had to stand at an FSY and watch you play games and watch you dance like maniacs and watch you sing,

and to just feel the hope.

The hope of the world, the hope of Israel, the hope for the future.

Looking at you, there's just not a better feeling in the world.

Interview: Brother Wilcox and Youth Talk About FSY Conferences

Brother Bradley S. Wilcox from the Young Men General Presidency talks with three youth about how attending FSY built their trust in the Lord, from the March 9, 2022 Face to Face for Youth.

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