
I'm Sister Craig, and I'm here with two adorable sisters, Giovanna and Sophie.

Thank you so much for letting me come to your home.

Yeah, I'm so excited to be here.

Giovanna, you had the wonderful opportunity of participating in the filming for the Book of Mormon movies, and you were in one of my very

favorite scenes when Jesus Christ visits the Nephites in the Americas.

Can you tell us a little bit about the role that you were playing and

the experience you had?

Yeah, I was playing the role of the blind girl, the blind girl that gets healed by Jesus Christ.

This character, it shows her hardships and her journey to finding Christ.

And so that was very emotional for me and very touching.

Three days before the healing scene.

Sophia here? Yeah. Yeah.

She was diagnosed with cancer, and so I went to the Book of Mormon video set, like, kind of like, a little off.

Like I was still myself. I was still having a cheery attitude.

Like it felt a little off, knowing that my sister was in the hospital.

So then we got ready, I went up with my blind contacts in, and we went up.

Christ held my head, and all I could think about was Sophia, like, Jesus Christ not coming up to me, not coming up to the blind girl, but Christ coming up to little Sophia and Him healing her.

I think that Sophia is very blessed to have you for a sister.

And you, of course, are very blessed to have an angel sister.


After that first hour of filming, we went to lunch, and I came back.

And I couldn't get emotional.

And I kept thinking, "Well I'm supposed to do this, I'm supposed to be emotional for this scene to touch people's heart." I tried to think about her again, and I was thinking about Sophia.

And the first thing I heard in my head is, "What about you, Giovanna?

What about you? You’re special.

You can do it. Be strong. Giovanna, you got this, Giovanna." And all these thoughts about loving myself, letting God love me.

That was the most incredible experience of my life.

And I feel like that's when I started, like, feeling better, started healing.

And I think it's so important that all of us realize that Heavenly

Father, like you said, knows us, and He loves us.

Yeah. It really strengthened my testimony that God cares about everyone, that He cares about you.

Like He wants you to take care of other people, but He wants also-He wants you to also take care of yourself. You know, there's going to be moments where you're going to feel very

uncomfortable or very uncertain of the things you should do.

But if you let Him lead the way- the more you do it, the more you'll

feel Him, and the more you’ll feel His love and His compassion and His will to help you.

You always have to look at the big picture.

Interview: Sister Craig Hears Giovanna’s Experience About Trusting in the Lord

Interview with Giovanna and her sister, Sophie, about trusting in the Lord through personal trials from the March 9, 2022 Face to Face for Youth.

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