
Song: “Light My Way” by Nik Day

How are you guys doing tonight? [Cheers]

Hey, everybody! How are you guys doing?

Are you guys ready for some fun? [Cheers] Should we get started? Okay.

Welcome to the Strive to Be concert: Trust in the Lord. My name is Sadie.

I’m Ben, and Sadie and I are going to be your hosts tonight.

The first song was “Light My Way” by Nik Day, and he writes all these songs that you'll hear tonight.

Thanks for being here with us in the Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah, or anywhere you’re watching from.

Yeah. Let’s give a quick, special welcome to Sister Rebecca Craven from the Young Women General Presidency and Brother Steven Lund from the Young Men General Presidency who are here in the audience with us today.

Tonight we are going to hear some amazing music, and all of it is meant to help us remember to put our trust in Jesus Christ. So next up, let’s welcome Josh Dalley with his song, “I Surrender.”

Song: “I Surrender” by Nik Day (Sung by Josh Dalley)

Hi. My name is Ysabelle, and I’m from the Philippines.

My family migrated to the US ten years ago. And I remember vividly right before we left,

my parents were told that my youngest brother would not be able to come with us. And everyone was telling my parents to just leave us behind because of

the money and visa problems. And my parents were furious.

They spent the next week running around Manila— almost no sleep—in order to fix all the paperwork.

They were not leaving without us.

That to me was a testament of a parent’s love. I see

Heavenly Father look at me the same way. I am His child, and so are you.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love, protect, and give us everything we need to safely come back home.

So every time I question my worth, I try to remember where I came from, where I'm going, and who I am. We are all children of a king. This song is called “Divine,” and I will be singing it in Tagalog, my native language.

Song: “Divine” by Nik Day (Sung by Ysabelle Cuevas in Tagolog)

Thank you so much, Ysabelle. That was absolutely amazing. Beautiful.

Up next is the amazing Yahosh Bonner. [Cheers] He has performed—

[Cheers] Oh, stop it. Stop it! [Laughs. More Cheers]

He has performed for the Church youth albums quite a few times.

Yahosh, would you like to tell us a little bit about your song? Oh, yes! And I brought some friends to sing with me.

These are my friends right here. They’re so good looking—look at them!

They’re great singers. Yes. Chi, Nancy, Christina, Mo, and Terrell Thomas. So this song is called “Dust.” Do you guys know the song “Dust”? Wow. It seems like I have some additional backup singers, including you guys. You guys are amazing. So when it comes to the chorus, feel free to sing with me. I’m going to point at you. But this speaks to how we can rise up regardless of what we've done, no matter how low our lowest lows are, no matter what has happened to us. We are all conquerors through Jesus Christ. And it’s because of how great He is and how great His love is for each and every one of us. As we trust in God, He will bring us through anything.

I love that. Let's start. All right.

Song: “Dust” by Nik Day (Sung by Yahosh Bonner)

Yahosh, that was incredible, bro.

Strive to Be releases as an album each year, focusing on the youth theme. And they also release singles throughout the year on the Spotify and Apple Music accounts.

Darla Day sang one of these recent singles called “Hear Him,” and she’s here to sing it for you tonight. Please welcome Darla to the stage. [Cheers]

Hello! I am Darla Day, and I’m married to that guy, Nik Day.

He [cheers]

Yeah. He is the man behind the music, and I am so honored to sing one of the songs that we got to work on together, “Hear Him.” All of us on this earth are so unique,

specially made, divinely destined.

Since that’s the case, doesn’t it just make sense that

God, our Father, would speak to us all differently—in a way that we can comprehend?

I love this song because it invites you to be aware of God's voice.

And it may not sound like how it sounds for other people,

but we get the opportunity to find and recognize His voice, and in doing so, become closer to Him and develop a deeper and more connected relationship to Him. He is speaking to you.

Do you hear Him?

Song: “Hear Him” by Nik Day. (Sung by Darla Day)

Our next singer is Patch Crowe. He— [Cheers]

He grew up in Australia, and he has been singing for audiences like this since he was our age. Now he sings a lot of the songs for Strive to Be.

Please welcome Patch Crowe.

Thanks, Sadie. Hey, everyone. Sadie's right. When I was 17, I auditioned and made it into a boy band.

It was an incredible experience. I got to travel the world, singing with four other guys that I loved so much.

It was honestly one of the happiest moments of my life.

I also had a lot more hair at the time, which may have had something to do with it as well.

Two of those years just flew by, and I felt strongly that I needed to go and serve a mission. So I traded in my tight pants and my hairspray for a tie and a name tag.

When I got to my first area in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I was shocked.

It turns out missionary work is pretty hard.

Scottish and Irish people are not super thrilled to talk about religion And the sun—I honestly don’t think I saw it for two years.

Despite the endless rain,

my entire life was completely changed by my mission,

more than any boy band could ever change my life.

I would be nothing without my Savior. I am forever grateful for His example in

doing all that He was asked to do, for standing with confidence and saying,

“Here am I. Send me.”

Song: “Send Me” by Nik Day (Sung by Patch Crowe)

Hola a todos!

Mi nombre es Hada Veronica Muñoz. I'm from the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico, and since I was a little girl,

my mom and dad have taught me the importance of listening to good music. Listening to religious music helps me look to my Savior. It brings me and you closer to Him. It helps me feel peace— feel His love for me. [Speaking in Spanish]

Song: “Look to You” by Nik Day (Sung by Hada Veronica)

Thank you, Prayer is one important way that I can feel connected to my Heavenly Father.

When I was nine years old, my family and I took a road trip to Colorado.

On our way home, while passing through Wyoming,

our car began having some problems. We pulled over and said a prayer that we would be able to keep going.

Not 10 minutes later, the car began having problems again.

We were in the middle of nowhere with no one to call, so we did the only thing we know how to do. We said another prayer.

This time, we drove 50 miles to the nearest car shop, where we found out that we had blown our engine.

The mechanic was really confused as to how we had driven over 50 miles with a blown engine. It was nothing short of faith and a miracle.

I know that Heavenly Father listens to us and answers our prayers.

That’s what this next song is all about. This is Tae and her song, “Speak to Me.”

Song: “Speak to Me” by Nik Day (Sung by Tae Meek)

Thank you, Tae. That was awesome. All right. Next up, we have McKenna Hixson.

You may remember her as the voice for the song “Peace in Christ,”

but she also sings the song “Healer” from this year’s album.

And she got married a couple of years ago. She's about to have her first baby. Give it up for McKenna Hixson.

Hello, everyone.

To me, this next song, “Healer,” is a reminder of who the Savior is and what He can do for us.

There are lots of ways this world can break us and make us forget who we are and why we're here. This song gives me strength and helps me realize I don't have to carry it alone.

Of all of Christ’s amazing attributes, one of the greatest to me is that He is the Healer.

Song: “Healer” by Nik Day (Sung by McKenna Hixson)

Hey guys,

The song I sing on this year’s album is called “Possible with Him.”

Let me tell you a quick scripture story.

In 2 Kings, Syria was coming to war against Israel.

They came by night and surrounded the city with a huge army and horses and chariots. After seeing this, Elisha the prophet’s servant was terrified and asked what they would do. Elisha said to him, “Fear not:

for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.”

And when Elisha had prayed, “the Lord opened [his] eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” And they saw God’s army when it

seemed like escape was impossible. This young man realized that God was fighting

their battle, and nothing is impossible with His help. That’s what this song is about. Song: “Possible With Him” by Nik Day (Sung by Ryan Johnson)

It's been so fun to be here with you guys.

Tomorrow I get set apart as a missionary for the Church, and I head to the Dominican Republic.

I am so excited, and I’m going to remember this as I head out to serve.

And I hope that everybody, as you leave the theater or head out from wherever you’re watching from that you, you know, take this message home with you and you help it. And we hope that it helps you grow your trust in the Lord.

Well, thank you guys again for spending this time with us. To finish our concert,

we’ve created a medley of recent theme songs from youth albums.

Music: “Strive to Be” concert medley

Thank you guys so much!

Good night, everybody. Thank you.

Strive to Be Concert - Trust in the Lord

"Join us Saturday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m. MST for our Strive To Be Concert “Trust in the Lord.” We'll be joined by artists performing the 2022 Youth Theme album and will be streaming live on YouTube @strivetobe.”

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