
Hi, I’m Lisa, and I’m the music coordinator in my ward. Hi, I’m Isreal, and I’m serving as the first counselor in our bishopric.

I'm excited to show you a helpful feature in the Gospel Library app that displays the sacrament meeting hymns on members’ phones for easy access. Here’s how music coordinators set it up.

In the app’s home section, scroll down to the “callings card,”

tap the “select hymns for sacrament meetings” row, and start selecting the hymns for each week. You can select music from the new Hymns for Home and Church collection, the current hymn book, or the Children’s Songbook.

Hymns can be selected by number, title,

or topic, which I love because you can select hymns that tie to messages of the sacrament meeting.

When recommended hymns for sacrament meeting are entered into the app ahead of time, it makes it easy for the bishopric to review them. Once the music is approved, it also helps us communicate the music selections to the music leader, accompanist, and ward members.

This is especially important for the new hymns, giving us time to become familiar with the new music before sacrament meeting.

Leaders and members need to be signed in to enjoy this feature.

Music leaders, accompanists, ward clerks, and executive secretaries can assist in entering selected hymns into the app.

Once set up, the hymns will appear on members’ devices each Sunday.

What I love about this feature is that it helps members easily get to the songs, so they can be ready to sing as soon as the hymn begins.

As you use this tool, remember some members and visitors don't have digital access or prefer not to sing from their mobile devices. Ward leaders may choose to print songs to support these individuals,

allowing everyone in the congregation to participate and feel the Spirit through singing together.

Let's use sacred music to increase our faith in and worship of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sacrament Meeting Hymns

Sacrament Meeting Hymns

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