

Reverently and meekly now, Let thy head most humbly bow. Think of me, thou ransomed one. Think what I for thee have done.

With my blood that dripped like rain, Sweat in agony of pain, With my body on the tree I have ransomed even thee.

Oh, remember what was done That the sinner might be won.

On the cross of Calvary I have suffered death for thee.

I have suffered death for thee.

Be obedient, I implore, Prayerful, watchful evermore, Oh forgive as thou wouldst be E’en forgiven now by me.

At the throne I intercede; For thee ever do I plead. I have loved thee as thy friend, With a love that cannot end.

With a love that cannot end.


Reverently and Meekly Now

A performance of "Reverently and Meekly Now" during the 2022 Church Music Festival. Music by Shelley Hannig; performed by members of a local mixed choir with accompaniment by Diane Bastian.

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