
The final item on our preflight checklist is “Invite Diligent Learning.”

This item is a reminder that the diligent teaching we do is only half of the equation.

The other half, in the long run, perhaps the more important half,

is the diligent learning our students do.

Here are some questions to help us evaluate whether our diligent teaching is leading and helping to diligent learning.

Do I help learners take responsibility for their learning?

Do I encourage learners to study the gospel daily?

Do I encourage learners to share the truths they are learning?

Do I invite learners to live what they are learning?

Our spirits need constant nourishment so we can become the beings of light and glory God created us to become.

When we study and ponder the words of the prophets of God,

we drink of living water and feast upon the word of Christ.

It is not enough merely to read the words. We need to hearken unto them.

We need to ponder and internalize them.

To paraphrase the proverb:

Teach a man the gospel and you have blessed him for day;

teach a man to feast upon the word of God and connect with the holy Spirit,

and you have blessed him for a lifetime.

It is through this process of inspiration and personal revelation that we build our lives on the rock of our Redeemer.

It is then that the gospel of Jesus Christ can become an anchor

of the soul. Teaching the gospel is important;

Teaching others to immerse themselves in prayer, seek the spirit, and apply what they have learned is at least equally important.

Teaching in the Savior’s Way | Invite Diligent Learning | Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Elder Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve explains how teaching in the Savior’s way leads believers beyond hearing the word alone, to thirst for greater learning on their own and blessing the world for a lifetime.

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