
In Teaching in the Savior’s Way, there’s a self-assessment—

a flight checklist, if you will—

that can help us become more focused in our teaching efforts.

The first item on our preflight checklist is “Focus on Jesus Christ.”

It's an opportunity to reflect on whether the Savior is truly at the center of our teaching. Please consider these questions.

Do I teach about Jesus Christ no matter what I'm teaching?

Do I emphasize the example of Jesus Christ?

Do I help learners recognize the Lord's love, power, and mercy in their lives?

Do I help learners intentionally strive to become more like Jesus Christ?

These are profound questions. We all have our favorite gospel hobbies, things that interest us,

periods of history, Church programs, doctrinal topics, or even single verses of scripture.

And we might be tempted to mainly focus on these favorite topics of ours.

What is our goal then, in teaching?

Our goal is to help those we teach to come closer to Christ,

increase in their knowledge and love of God, and serve God by reaching out in compassion toward all of His children.

That is the center. And where do we find our greatest example of loving God and others? In the life and teachings of our Savior and Redeemer.

As we bring souls closer to Christ, we help them increase their faith and love for God,

and we help them increase in their compassion and love for others.

Whenever we are tempted to veer off

and get distracted by some other topic that may seem interesting to us,

we should really ask ourselves, do I focus on the Savior

No matter what I’m teaching about? Is what I’m teaching helping others to grow in their love for God

and to show that love by loving and serving and by applying

the Savior’s teachings in our lives?

As teachers, we may entertain, delight, amuse, astound.

But if we have failed in keeping our focus on Jesus Christ,

we have missed the mark, and our teaching is only a shadow of what it ought to be.

Always keep the focus on our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

I invite you to study the new guide Teaching in the Savior’s Way,

and use this self-evaluation to remind you of your purpose. By laying hold upon the word of God and teaching others to do the same by teaching in

the Savior's way. We show our love for God and for our fellow man

and fellow human beings.

Teaching in the Savior’s Way | Focus on Jesus Christ | Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Elder Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve persuades us to focus on Jesus Christ and His words in all our teachings. If we favor “hobby” topics, we can veer away and miss the opportunity to bring souls to Christ.

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