The third checklist category is
“Teach by the Spirit.” Now, please consider these questions.
Do I prepare myself spiritually to teach?
Do I respond to spiritual promptings about the needs of learners?
Do I create settings and opportunities for learners to be taught by the Holy Ghost? Do I help learners seek, recognize, and act on personal revelation?
Do I bear testimony often and encourage learners to do the same?
I try to remind myself often that in all my efforts to teach the gospel and bring people to Jesus Christ, I cannot convert anyone.
Only the Holy Ghost can do that.
We can speak the words, but conversion is a matter of the Spirit. It happens when the Holy Ghost touches the heart and the person responds to His influence by following the Savior.
Our job is not to convert. That is not our responsibility.
But what is our job? To teach the good news of Jesus Christ and His gospel that has been restored in our time. And it is our job to validate and support our words with our honest
and sincere deeds, our life, how we live and act. Whether someone responds to what we teach is between them and God. But we can be the bridge that connects them with the Holy Ghost.
We can be the window through which the Holy Spirit will enter into their lives.
Our words and our actions can teach the doctrine of Christ in a way that helps students experience the intercession of the Holy Ghost.
But if the Holy Spirit speaks to your soul, to my soul, you and I,
we cannot forget it because it changes you. It changes us.
Remember what Joseph Smith said after reading James one, verse five.
“Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine.”
The Spirit can take an ordinary thought, spoken in an ordinary way and cause it to burn like fire.
Another person's conversion is not dependent upon our eloquence
or command of scripture. It’s not dependent on how well we teach or defend doctrine. It's not dependent upon our intelligence, charisma,
or command of the language. All we need to work on is to know for ourselves.
Then our Heavenly Father invites us to open our mouths at all times, declaring His Gospel with the sound of rejoicing.
And if we do that, the Holy Spirit will testify of the truth.
If we do our part, the Spirit will do His.
That is the way we teach by the Spirit.