
Hi. My name is Hansel Aguilar. I want to put my marriage first.

Hi, everyone. My name is Maria Fernanda Coz Becerra.

The purpose of this 30-day challenge, for me, is to find peace.

Aloha. My name is Melody Christman.

I challenge myself to do small and simple acts of kindness and service.

My name is Dayrin. I want to continue learning to love myself.

All right. So, yeah, we just went on a date. We were eating seafood. That's her favorite food in the world.

And it was great. She loved it.

I feel that’s something I really needed to do, is spend more time with her valuable time.

Going out on a date, as... you know, as we used to do more often when we were dating before we got married.

So. So, yeah, that's a little bit of my progress.

Things are getting better.

So it was a different day.

I was struggling in the morning, to be honest.

And so I was trying... I was... praying to... to have peace. And then a miracle, at least to me, happened.

So I had a call with this girl that I taught when I was a missionary.

And she showed me her nametag

and when you see someone that you've taught and that you've seen growing in the faith and

doing all the steps to come closer to Christ and now embracing it, and it made me realize that my prayers were answered

and that God really sees all my effort, the effort that I've done in the past,

that now in the present,

now is, you know, contributing to my peace.

Tomorrow night, my friend and I, we're leaving

and we’re going to start our 24 hour train ride to Ukraine.


Aloha! I was kind of worried, I didn't know what kind of service I'd be able to do because I had two finals that I took in the morning,

and then I was working on a paper at night, and so

I just prayed that I'd be able to have an opportunity to serve. And on the way to the library, I was walking and I passed by this guy who kind of looked like he wanted to talk to me.

And I almost just continued to walk past. And I'm glad that I didn't. He stopped me and he asked if he could use my phone

to call his wife because he had forgotten it that day. And so I gave him my phone and he was able to call his wife and he was just really grateful that I stopped and I was able to help him.

And so whether it's big service or little service, I'm

really enjoying this challenge and I’m excited to see how this next week will be, especially since it's going to be another busy week.

Good morning, guys. I just wanted to give you an update so I have... It's my third day in a row that I've been able to do the gym, which

that is already a success for me. And it's been...

It’s been rough.

In order for me to be able to do the gym with my schedule that I have,

I have to wake up at 5:30 a.m..

Yeah, that is my only way I can squeeze in a routine of exercise, which

I am... I like it, like it gives me more energy. It’s really part of the word of wisdom, in all honesty, so... I just want to feel good with my body. I want to love my body truly. And how can I love my body if I haven't treated it right? You know, and it doesn't mean that I don't like myself.

Like I said before, I do. But I haven’t been taking care of myself. So, yeah.

Try Faith │ A 30-day Challenge Inspired by the Teachings of the Savior │Check-in 1

Faith-filled action can lead to personal miracles. Hansel, Maria, Melody, and Dayrin provide an update on their 30-day challenge, including how they have drawn closer to Christ, and how He has paved a way for them to accomplish their goals.

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