
Hello, children around the world. Welcome to another Friend to Friend.

We are so happy to be with you today to learn more about Jesus Christ and His Gospel. We hope you'll feel Heavenly Father's love for you in our program today.

We love you.

Making breakfast, yummy tummy breakfast breakfast for my jungle friends, but mostly just for me. Hey. Oh, ow!

Oh, oh.

It was just an accident. But it wouldn't have happened if I didn't have this huge beak. Oh.


Of course you're invited. You're my best friend.

It's going to be such a feast with pineapple, mangoes, grapes, tomatoes.

Tomatoes are still a fruit, right?

Oh. Cream cheese fruity dip. That’s such a great idea!

Gilbert no! Whoa Gilbert, what happened?

My beak is always in the way. I'm so sorry, Gil. I didn't mean to.

What happened, Louis? I just said Gilbert into orbit with my giant launch pad of a beak that's always getting in the way.

Oh, Louis, come here.

Okay. Incoming.

Oh. Louis. It was just a mistake. And I like your beak.

Oh, this is terrible. I'm a walking honker.

My life is a whiff of woes, a sniff of struggle, a proboscis of pain.

My beak is always in the way.


Hi, Grandma. Hello, kiddos, I'm so happy to see you.

What are you doing? I'm thinking about how to help my grandchildren understand Heavenly Father's plan of happiness better. Are you making a planet?

It does look like a planet, doesn't it? But it's actually just a big paper circle.

I chose the circle because we started out living with Heavenly Father, and then we make our way through time and eventually we come back to live with Him.

Wait, you mean we used to live in heaven? Yes. Let me show you. Let's pretend this craft room is heaven.

We lived in heaven with our Heavenly Father and one big eternal family.

The time came for us to come to Earth and receive a physical body.

Heavenly Father knew that we would make mistakes, and so he promised us a Savior.

Are you ready to go live on Earth and receive a physical body?

Let's pretend this door is like being born.

Earth. Look how wonderful our physical bodies are. We can even dance.

On Earth, we’re still children of God, but we also have earthly parents.

These are my parents. They've been dead for a few years, but I still miss them. Though, I know we’ll be together again, because we are tied together through covenants. I know life can be really hard sometimes, but we can know that Heavenly Father loves us. We always make mistakes, but we can repent through Jesus Christ.

The time comes for all of us to die at some point, and that's kind of like going through another door. So let's move on to the spirit world.

Here we are. Let’s pretend this is the spirit world. We’re still alive, we just don’t have our physical bodies. Thanks to Jesus, we will all be resurrected. And we will be judged for our choices through His grace.

In other words, Jesus helps us to return to Heavenly Father. Come.

Can you imagine how wonderful it will be to return to heaven, to our celestial home and our celestial family?

I'm so grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ for all that He does for us.

So I tried my best to be like Him and love others and serve,

as He showed us how to do.

That’s awesome. Thanks, Grandma. It’s time for making friends.

I feel I’m a child of God when I look at my baby sister,

because how could something so cute come from anywhere but heaven?

You are so cute, aren't you? Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Oh.

If we're all Heavenly Father's children, then that means the entire world is full of our brothers and sisters.

That’s like a million birthday parties a day. Whoa. That’s a lot of cake.

Okay, Everybody ready? Huh?

Oh, now you're just mocking me, aren't you?

No. Oh, exactly right, Gilbert. We will now begin. Juliana, will you please read the introduction?

Louis Toucan Jr., this is your

we love you party. We your friends, see, you’ve been sad about your beak. You and me both, it’s just so large in stature...

Sorry Louis, you’re not allowed to talk yet,

you just have to sit here and listen for now.

I’ll begin.

Louis, I love your beak.

It has some of my favorite colors.

God made it beautiful.

But it’s so big.

Sh. You’re not allowed to talk yet. Who would like to go next? Victor.

Louis. I love the sound effects you can make with your beak.

Like this one? Caw.

Yeah. No, it’s more like this Scooby doo wop, bop, ba doop bop. Caw!

See, you're so great at so many things. Oh.

Whoa, Gil, slow down. So you're saying that I should think about the good things that I can do with my beak, and that were each different so we can help each other? Gil, can you see anything in that?

Louie, remember when I couldn’t cut open that pineapple, and you helped me open it with your beak?

God made your beak with a sharp point to open things like fruits.

You know I can’t open nuts without your help. We need each other.

And, well, yeah, your beak is big, but it’s awesome. Oh, you guys. Thank you, everyone. Louis, you may now speak. What would you like to say? Yes, I know what you're saying. You mean you “nose” what we’re saying?

Hey, “tucan” play at that game. Oh, wait for it, Wwait for it.

Oh, what lovely “feather” we’re having today. Oh.

All right. We'll work on that.

Did you like your I love you party? Yes. It's nice to know that God created all living things. Were you guys created by God?

Yeah, definitely. Uh huh.

Each person is a child of God. Do you mean Heavenly Father is your dad?

Yes, in a way. I have Heavenly Parents of my spirit and earthly parents that gave me a body. Like. Like how my parents gave me this huge beak.

I mean, beautiful, huge beak, thanks.

And we get some traits from our earthly parents, and those are the ones you can see on me, like my eyes, my nose, or my hair color. We also get traits from our Heavenly Father. He wants us to choose to grow up to be like Him. That's kind of neat.

I better get going, I have some work and some studying to do.

Me too. I have some chores I have to go to. Thanks, guys. Love you, Louis.

By Louis.

See you later.

You're a good bird, mister. And you're lucky to have great friends who are children of God.

I wonder how they figured that out.

Wait, guys, how do you know that you’re children of God? We love Louis’s beak just how it is. If he changed it, he wouldn’t be him.

I called you a picture to show you what he looks like.

With that bill, he’d sing like this. Skippity bop, bop, bop, bop.

That is just weird. I like him the way he is.

Mom, how do you know if you’re getting revelation or if your brain is just thinking up stuff on its own? Oh, sweetie, I would love to talk to you about that, but I'm in the middle of helping your brother put a salad together since he got distracted with all the excitement.

No, I didn’t. You put I had a lettuce in a bowl and put it on the table.

How was I supposed to know you wanted it cut up?

Yeah. Kids. Excuse me. Dad? Dad? Hey, sis. Can we make this a walk and talk?

I got to get the food on the grill.

Miguel. Quick, come here. What is it?

Where are my rugrats? Aunt Tilli!

Penny! Hi, girl. Hi.

You are good, girl. Yes, you. Yes, you are.

Now nom nom, nom nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Aunt Tilly, can I ask you a question?

Oh, silly. You don’t need to ask a question whether you can ask a question.

When you're praying, how do you know if you're getting an answer from Heavenly Father?

Whoa, I thought you were going to ask if I like your sparkly shirt. It's darling, by the way.

When I pray, I think my feelings are messing everything up.

Yep. I totally understand.

Are these my feelings, or is it Heavenly Father trying to tell me something, and how the Spirit speaks to me may be different for how it speaks to someone else.

However, I found that I can know if something is coming from me or not if I feel peace. And I can’t manufacture peace, so when I feel it, I know that I’m feeling the Holy Ghost.

Is it that easy?

Well, there are things that we can do to help our understanding, like study it out in our mind or read the scriptures.

When I'm looking for answers from Heavenly Father, I make a decision about what I’m praying for, and then in my prayer I ask, Is that correct?

And if it is, I'll feel that peace through the Holy Ghost. That makes sense. Ash, I'm so proud that you're thinking of these questions even before you've been baptized. That's why you're my favorite. Oh, but don't tell anyone else. Wink.

Will I still be your favorite if I grow old and have

a comb over? Yep. And my eyebrows are as long as weeds?

We can always hedge clip those. And forest of hair grows out of my ears? No matter how scruffy you are, Heavenly Father and I will love you to the moon.

A child’s divine role is to learn and grow and love and serve,

oh, and trust, so we can return to our heavenly home.

I know I’m a child of God when I see all the beautiful things Heavenly Father made for us.

Oh, butterfly.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

This is amazing!

I wonder how they know they're children of God.

Oh, hey, Louis. What’s up? Hey, Laura, can I ask you a question?

Yeah, sure, you ask a lot of good questions. Are you a child of God? Yes. How did you figure that out?

Oh, now, that is a very good question with a really good answer. So, you know, the prophets and scriptures teach us we are children of God. Right. And when I’ve prayed to know if it is true, I felt peace in my heart.

Sometimes we call that revelation.

Revelation. Are those the long orange, sweet things that grow in the ground?

I think you're thinking of carrots. Oh, yeah.

Revelation is when I ask a question like, Am I your daughter? And I get a yes in my heart from Heavenly Father.

So did you do that?

Yes! It took a little while, but Heavenly Father answered me. And now you know you’re a child of God? Yes.

That's much better than being frustrated about my beak. Well.

We all have some hard things to learn from.

That's part of God's plan to help us turn to the savior and become faithful and strong. You know, the really neat thing about it is, we can ask God to help us learn and move forward.

We feel joy knowing that Heavenly Father and Jesus will be with us, helping us. And He answers with revelation? Yes. And with the answer, it feels loving, like safety and warmth. Oh, I love worms.

No, silly goose.

Now that you know you're a child of God, what can you do that's different than before? Hm.

I guess I know that because I’m His daughter, I can become like my Heavenly Father more each day. I don't feel afraid as much when I remember that.

And I feel excited about keeping my baptismal covenants. I guess I just want to love people the same way the Savior does.

You’re right, that is a good answer.

Oh, Louis. Oh, we should get you some carrots. And worms? Doing good things is rewarded with good feelings.

That's how I know Heavenly Father is speaking to me through the Holy Ghost.

We can only be our very, very, very, very, very, very, very best when we repent and receive the savior's power to clean us from our sins.

Oh, Gil, you tell the best jokes.

Victor makes very funny jokes, too.

I wonder where you got your sense of humor from. It's pretty great, both of you.

You’re right. The cream cheese, fruity dip. Everybody, let’s, go!

I know I'm a child of God because I believe Jesus when he said that's exactly what we are, a child of God.

I mean, seriously, isn't that cool?

I am a child of God, And He hath sent me here.

Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way.

They teach me all that I must do to live

with Him someday.

I am a child of God and He has sent me here. Has given me and earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me.

Help me find the way.

Teach me all that I must do to Live with Him some day.

I am a child of God, and so my needs are great

Help me to understand His words before it grow too late.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way.

Teach me all that I must do.

To live with Him some day. I am a child of God. I am a child of God. I am a chid of God.

You made such a good point earlier.

That thing about just accepting the way I look, I mean, that really resonated with me, Gilbert.

I didn't know I had such a compassionate and insightful friend.

Okay, we can. Like, I. We just had pizza yesterday.

Friend to Friend: We Are God’s Children

This episode teaches that we are children of a Heavenly Father who speaks to us through the Holy Ghost. The episode features activities, music, and a message from the Primary General Presidency.

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