
I love institute. I went and tried it out and I absolutely fell in love with it.

Everyone was just so welcoming and they just seemed to be so interested in what you're doing with your life. And I think it was one of the first times, for a really long time, that I’ve actually felt the Savior’s love for me through these people. As I’m working and as I’m going to school, every day gets kind of,

kind of complicated, very busy, and I get so focused on our day to day and get so focused on the world. There’s so many things I have to choose in my life. But every time I go to institute class, it’s a place where I kind of get,

I just feel so much love from the Savior. I feel very grateful to go to school in a place where I have many very thought-provoking conversations. I really appreciate that institute is a place where it reminds me that the Savior is at

the center of all of these questions, and that the Savior is the answer. When I've been in institute, I've not only been able to learn a lot more about the Savior and understand the gospel a lot better, which has inherently strengthened my conversion,

but I’ve also had a lot of chances to serve.

I think that that's been a major factor in my conversion. You're somewhere where you can come closer to Christ and and have friends,

a place where you can be yourself and where you can feel the Spirit. Institute has been probably one of the biggest blessings, especially with finishing up with high school. It's something that I definitely would not want to miss out on. And so the very first time you go, just look for an opportunity to learn and also just to feel loved. My parents are not members. I’m the only member of my family. And sometimes it's hard to keep the peace at home. And institute has taught me how to overcome these challenges in small and simple ways. And I just feel like institute is a great place for me to just go in there with my worries and I come out every single time stress free and just filled with the Spirit. I love institute because I love Jesus Christ, and institute has been a place where I can talk about Him.

And in talking about Jesus Christ, there's power.

And I feel that power in my life. Starting my own business, as well as being a young single adult and then several other things that are going on in my life, coming to institute gives me a place where I can talk about the gospel in our classes and learn about it and talk about it,

which is for me, is a much easier way to learn about the gospel. I think institute has really helped me really get to know my Savior and not just to know Him, but to learn about Him and to know what aspect of my life I can work on to become just like Him. I think that institute is a place that has really helped me, especially the classes, and that really helped me know my Savior and His Atonement. That really helped me build, like, a personal connection with my Savior. I love institute because of the people that are here. I feel like it's a place that I can bring my friends and we can make new friends, meet the faculty, and all just discuss the gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel like institute has provided the place for me to strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ and my conversion to Him. I love institute because it’s a really safe place for me to be myself, and I've been able to make lots of great friends there that just love me for me. And I also find a lot of hope

and safety in learning about my Savior, Jesus Christ, there.

Growing up, I moved around a lot. My dad's in the military, and one of the things that was constant through all those moves was the Church. And I found that out here as well, with institute. We all get the chance to meet together and talk about

the different questions that we're facing, that we're asking. And it’s been a great time. I’ve been able to meet

a lot of people that way and have a lot of fun with them as well. You gotta go. Come with.

My dear brothers and sisters, I love you.

I think about you and pray for you often.

You are living in an age unlike any other.

You are at the age where you are making crucial decisions—

decisions that will affect the rest of your mortal and eternal life.

Making these decisions may seem overwhelming or even frightening at times,

but it is also exciting because we are living in a momentous time.

May I invite you to do something that will help you in a way few other things can? Attend institute.

I have now watched my children, grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren attend institute.

Attending institute has been life-changing for them.

Institute has helped them and will help you to deepen your conversion to Jesus Christ.

Attending institute will help you to feel more of Heavenly Father's great love for you. Institute will offer you inspiring instructors, faithful friends,

and a feeling of belonging.

It will help you to see why living the gospel leads to never-ending happiness.

Attending institute will help you to live the gospel and to feel more joy right now.

If you want to know the truth about who you really are, attend institute.

If you want to know the purpose of life, attend institute.

If you want to stay on the covenant path, attend institute.

If you want to learn how to let God prevail in your life, attend institute.

If you want to be a peacemaker, attend institute.

I promise you these blessings and express my love for you

in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I Love Institute

Thirteen young adults describe the spiritual, emotional, and social benefits of participating in Institute. President Russell M. Nelson invites you to come to Institute. Go to to learn more.

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