
The Bible teaches that we should be doers of the word and not hearers only.

It's good for us to read the scriptures and listen to talks in church,

but it's important for us to act on what we hear.

When Joseph Smith wondered what church he should join, he read a scripture in the Bible that said, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. That means we should ask God for answers.

So Joseph Smith did what the Bible said.

He went out into a grove of trees where he could be alone and ask Heavenly Father for direction.

Throughout his life, Joseph Smith tried to do things that would help his family, his friends, and members of the Church come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

There are some objects hidden in this picture. Can you find them?

Can you find the golden plates?

Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon from the golden plates.

Can you find an apple?

Through Joseph Smith. The Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom, which teaches us that we should keep our bodies healthy.

Can you find a chapel?

Through Joseph Smith, the Lord restored The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Can you find a Bible?

Joseph Smith taught people about Jesus Christ using stories from the Bible.

Can you find a key?

Joseph Smith taught the Church about the keys of the priesthood.

Can you find a Book of Mormon?

Joseph Smith brought forth the Book of Mormon.

Can you find the temple?

Joseph Smith taught the Church about the importance of temples.

Can you find a wedding ring?

Joseph Smith taught the Church about how important families are.

Did you find all the hidden pictures? Great job!

Each of us can be doers of the word when we keep the commandment.

Can you be a doer of the word and try to keep the commandments every day?

Thanks for playing. See you next time.

Game 07 | Joseph in the Sacred Grove

A child narrates a game of hidden pictures based on Joseph Smith in a grove of trees. He’s shown the gold plates while images of the temple, the Bible and the word of wisdom are seen.

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