
Our dear brothers and sisters of the ward council:

Thank you for all you do to strengthen the faith and testimony of God's children.

The Lord is accomplishing wonderful things through your dedicated service.

For the last five years, we have all enjoyed increased spiritual strength as we have studied the scriptures together at home and at church using “Come, Follow Me” as a resource.

Faith in Jesus Christ is increasing as His teachings become a more consistent part of our home-centered, church-supported gospel learning. As you may know, in 2024 we will be studying the Book of Mormon’s powerful witness of Jesus Christ. In

the past, we have provided four “Come, Follow Me” manuals each year—one for individuals and families, one for Primary, one for Sunday School, and one for Aaronic Priesthood quorums and Young Women classes.

For 2024, these four manuals have been combined into one:

“Come, Follow Me for Home and Church.” Individuals, families, and teachers will use the same resource for their personal and family scripture study, as well as their classes at church.

The same learning ideas, discussion questions, images, and activity pages are available to all. You will receive a printed copy of “Come, Follow Me for Home and Church” for each participating household in your ward.

You will also receive additional copies to give to less active members.

As a ward council, please prayerfully determine who should receive these additional copies. Make a plan to invite them to read the Book of Mormon with us this coming year. You might ask ministering brothers and sisters, ward leaders, or missionaries to extend this invitation along with a copy of “Come, Follow Me.”

This could be an excellent topic to discuss in your weekly coordination meetings with the full- time missionaries.

God has prepared the Book of Mormon for the specific purpose of gathering Israel and restoring them to a knowledge of their Savior, Jesus Christ.

He invites you and me to participate in this great work.

May the Lord bless you as you lovingly and faithfully serve him.

For Ward Councils—Changes Are Coming to Come, Follow Me

Find out how ward leaders can support members in their study of the Book of Mormon using Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church in 2024.

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