
Sariah. A woman’s journey of faith.

Sariah lived in Jerusalem with her family.

Her husband, Lehi, was a prophet of God.

One day, the Lord told Lehi to leave Jerusalem with his family.

Sariah had faith in the Lord. She and her family left their home.

They left their gold and silver to go with Lehi into the wilderness.

Sariah and Lehi took food and other things they needed. After they traveled for many days, they set up tents to live in the wilderness.

Then they built an altar and thanked the Lord for His help.

One day the Lord asked Sariah and Lehi’s sons to go to Jerusalem and get the brass plates. Sariah was scared when her sons did not come back.

She thought they were dead. Lehi comforted Sariah.

They chose to trust that the Lord would protect their sons.

Sariah was full of joy when her sons came back from Jerusalem.

Now she knew that the Lord had protected them.

She trusted that the Lord would give them power to do what He asked.

Sariah’s whole family was happy, and they thanked the Lord.


Sariah is the mother of Nephi and his brothers. She left Jerusalem and traveled in the wilderness. She is scared but trusts the Lord and her husband, the prophet Lehi. Sariah is comforted.

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