
This is a singular time in your life. There won’t be another quite like it.

You are establishing priorities and patterns that will dramatically affect not just your mortal life, but also your eternal life.

I think the world right now and younger generations are struggling to find themselves.

Sometimes you get lost. Sometimes it’s hard to find your way back. I feel like everything nowadays is made to divide us How tragic it is when someone believes the label another person has given them. Labels can lead to judging and animosity.

People make assumptions about who I am, and I’ve always found that a little disheartening because we all are individuals and we get to have our own individual motivations. Well, I think that when you’re only seeing one side of a person, it’s easy to just see them as that one thing and forget that they are like a fully formed human being, just like you. I think there’s that human part of us that is judgmental and does label people, put them in boxes, categorize people. It can be really difficult to have to focus on those labels and sometimes act as though

they’re the only real thing that people are going to know us by.

Sometimes I do feel like I have been misjudged. I have been labeled in categories where

it gives them limitation views of me.

No identifier should displace, replace, or take priority over these three enduring designations: Child of God, Child of the Covenant, and Disciple of Jesus Christ.

When you realize who you are and who everybody else around you is, what really matters in your identity,

I think it it allows you to give grace to people and why they do certain things. If we focus in on the label that makes us most important, that we are sons and daughters of heavenly parents who love us, then the label means that we are a part of a community of everyone around us.

My dear friends, you are literally spirit children of God.

You have sung this truth since you learned the words to “I Am a Child of God.”

If everybody knew that they was a child of God,

I think everybody would look at the world differently. We would all understand that we don’t have to— we don’t have to put up this fight on our own.

God considers everyone as His children.

Seeing others as a child of God can really

give you perspective into just the vastness of Heavenly Father’s creations.

It helps you make common ground with other people. It helps you feel like you belong somewhere.

Knowing that I am a child of God gives me purpose.

It gives me direction and a sense of meaning in life,

more eternal prospect, and something to push for and live for.

I’m more than just a medical assistant and a respite worker. I’m a daughter of God and He’s aware of me and He loves me.

It kind of gets lost in translation and I get lost.

But remembering that I am a daughter of God,

it brings... it brings me back to realizing that I’m not alone in this.

As the Lord’s prophet, I bless you to know the truth about who you are.

I promise that you will experience spiritual growth, freedom from fear,

and a confidence that you can scarcely imagine now. You will have the strength to have a positive influence far beyond your natural capacity. And I promise that your future will be more exhilarating

than anything you can presently believe.

Know Who You Are | President Nelson | YSA NYC

President Russell M. Nelson speaks of our singular time in mortal life and avoiding the labels that categorize and divide us. Young adults share thoughts on growth, following the light, and being a child of God.

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