
Enos. A mighty prayer to the Lord.

Jacob gave the plates to his son Enos.

Enos wrote on them like Jacob did. One day, Enos went hunting in the forest.

He remembered what his father taught about the Lord.

Jacob had taught Enos that following the Lord would bring him joy.

Enos wanted to feel the joy his father spoke about.

He decided to pray to the Lord. He prayed all day and into the night.

The Lord told Enos that his sins were forgiven. Enos felt very happy.

Enos was blessed because of his faith in Jesus Christ.

Enos wanted the Nephites to feel this happiness too. He kept praying.

He asked the Lord for the Nephites to feel the same joy.

The Lord told Enos that He would be with the Nephites if they kept His commandments.

When Enos heard this, his faith in the Lord became even stronger.

Enos prayed again. He asked the Lord to bless the Lamanites and to keep the writing on the plates safe.

He wanted the Lamanites to be able to read the plates and believe in the Lord. The Lord promised Enos that the Lamanites would read the writings one day.


Jacob gives his son Enos the plates. Enos goes hunting in the forest and thinks of the joy of the Lord. He prays day and night. Enos’s sins are forgiven because of his faith in Jesus Christ.

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