
Alma the Younger. A mighty change.

King Mosiah gave Alma power to lead the Church in Zarahemla.

Alma taught the people to repent and have faith in the Lord.

Alma had a son who was also named Alma.

Alma the Younger did not believe what his father taught.

Mosiah had sons who also did not believe in the Lord.

They were friends with Alma the Younger.

All of them wanted people to leave the Church.

Alma and the sons of Mosiah led many people to do things that were against God’s commandments. One day, the Lord sent an angel to stop them.

The angel told them to stop trying to destroy the Church.

Alma and the sons of Mosiah were so afraid they fell to the ground.

Alma could not talk or move for three days and three nights.

He felt really bad because of all the wrong things he had done.

He was also worried because he had led many people away from the Lord.

Alma felt so much pain because of his sins.

Then he remembered his father talking about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Alma prayed for Jesus to forgive him.

After he prayed, he could not remember his pain.

He knew the Lord had forgiven him. He did not feel bad about his sins anymore.

Instead, Alma felt very happy. Alma got his strength back.

He and Mosiah’s sons decided to repent and try to fix all the pain they had caused.

They served the Lord from that time forward by helping others repent.

They traveled through the land that Mosiah ruled and taught the people about Jesus. Alma and the sons of Mosiah wanted to share the happiness that the teachings of Jesus brought to their lives.

They worked very hard to serve the Lord and the people.

Mosiah’s sons chose to leave and teach the Lamanites about Jesus.

Alma chose to stay and keep teaching the Nephites.

Alma the Younger

Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah do not believe and go against God to destroy the Church. An angel appears, and Alma feels pain for doing wrong. Alma is forgiven by Jesus and is happy.

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