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Alma and Amulek in Prison Faith in the Lord during hard times
Alma and Amulek taught the gospel in the city Ammonihah.
Some people believed in the Lord and repented. But many other people were mad at Alma and Amulek and wanted to destroy them.
The angry people tied up Alma and Amulek and took the two men to the city’s chief judge.
The chief judge did not believe that his people needed to repent.
The people were mad at Alma and Amulek.
They made the men who believed what Alma and Amulek taught leave the city.
Then they threw the women and children who believed in the Lord in a fire.
Amulek was very sad when he saw the people in pain.
He asked Alma to use God’s power to save them. But Alma said the Spirit of God would not let him.
He told Amulek that the women and children would be with the Lord.
The Lord would judge the people who killed them.
The chief judge made fun of Alma and Amulek because the Lord did not protect the women and children.
He sent Alma and Amulek to prison.
After three days, the chief judge went to the prison with his false priests.
They asked many questions. But Alma and Amulek would not answer them.
The chief judge and his priests did mean things to Alma and Amulek.
They also did not give Alma and Amulek any food or water.
And they made fun of what Alma and Amulek had taught.
Alma and Amulek suffered for many days.
The chief judge came again with his priests. He told Alma and Amulek that if they had God’s power, they should break the ropes that tied them. Then he would believe them.
Alma and Amulek felt God’s power. They stood up.
Alma had faith in the Lord and asked for power to break the ropes.
Alma and Amulek broke the ropes. The chief judge and his priests were scared.
They tried to run away, but then the ground started shaking.
The prison walls fell on the chief judge and his priests, and they died.
But the Lord kept Alma and Amulek safe.
When the people heard the noise, they ran to see what was going on. Only Alma and Amulek walked out of the prison.
The people were so scared of Alma and Amulek that they ran away.