
Ammon A humble servant

Ammon and his brothers wanted to teach the Lamanites about the Lord. They went to the land where the Lamanites lived.

On their way, they fasted and prayed to ask the Lord for help.

The Lord comforted them. He told them to be patient and to be good examples.

They each went to different places to teach.

Ammon went to a place called Ishmael.

The people there tied him up and took him to King Lamoni.

Ammon told Lamoni that he wanted to live with the Lamanites.

Lamoni liked Ammon and set him free.

He wanted Ammon to marry one of his daughters,

but Ammon chose to be Lamoni’s servant instead.

Lamoni told Ammon to take care of his animals.

One day, Ammon and some other servants took the animals to get water.

While the animals were drinking, robbers came and scared them away.

The other servants were afraid they would be punished for losing Lamoni’s animals.

Ammon knew this was a chance to show the Lord’s power.

He told the other servants not to worry and helped them find the lost animals.

The robbers came back to scare the animals again.

But this time, Ammon told the other servants to stay and keep the animals from running away.

Ammon went to stop the robbers from scaring the sheep.

The robbers were not afraid of Ammon. They thought they were stronger than him.

But they did not know that the Lord was helping Ammon.

Ammon threw rocks at the robbers with his sling. Some of them died.

This made the other robbers angry, and they wanted to kill Ammon.

They were surprised because they could not hit Ammon with their own rocks.

They did not expect him to be so powerful.

The robbers tried to hit Ammon with their clubs. But every time they tried, Ammon cut off their arms with his sword so that they could not fight.

Soon, they were too scared to keep fighting and ran away.

The servants told Lamoni how Ammon saved the animals. Lamoni was amazed.

He thought Ammon was the Great Spirit, who has great power and knows all things.

Lamoni wanted to talk to Ammon, but he was also worried.

Ammon went to see Lamoni, but Lamoni did not know what to say.

The Lord helped Ammon know Lamoni’s thoughts. Ammon said he was not the Great Spirit. He told Lamoni that the Great Spirit is God.

Lamoni wanted to learn more about God.

Ammon said that God made the world and everyone in it.

Then Ammon told Lamoni that God has a plan of salvation.

As part of that plan, Jesus Christ would come.

Lamoni believed what Ammon said.

Lamoni prayed and asked God to have mercy on him and his people.


Ammon and his brothers wanted to teach the Lamanites about the Lord. They went to the land where the Lamanites lived. On their way, they fasted and prayed to ask the Lord for help.

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