
This season is different from other seasons because we're not just doing a block of scripture in one certain area. We're kind of picking up all the different stories that we hadn't filmed in the past yet and putting them together in this final season.

The Church has created these videos to help people understand the Book of Mormon better. That's what the Book of Mormon is about. It's another testament of Jesus Christ. And every one of these stories you see this year testifies of Christ. That’s what the common thread is between all these stories in the Book of Mormon,

a people that recognize who they were dependent upon and going to that source for strength.

And every single story is a story of deliverance, and every single story is a great story about the Lord's hand in our lives and how much God loves every single one of us, and basically wants to help us through whatever challenge that we're going to be going through.

I feel transported in time and I feel like, okay, my ancestors were were part of this.

And I saw how incredible it was just to be on set. Like, even though we're just acting it out, it almost felt as if we were there.

Being here was amazing. Seeing the sets, um, being in the outfits and everything, it brings it to life.

Today we are shooting Helaman chapter five. This is the story of the sons of Helaman: Lehi and Nephi.

They get cast into prison. By the end of their experience in prison, angels descend and all of the prisoners have a change of heart and repent because of Lehi and Nephi.

I've admired this project. I've admired the Book of Mormon visual library for all of the seasons that they've shot and released so far, and then for me to get the opportunity to direct one of these episodes is just a dream come true.

A few seconds of that and then I’ll bring up the angel.

I’m playing Samuel the Lamanite. One of the coolest things that I’ve experienced here is that we’re really trying hard to make sure that these stories are accessible and relatable to a modern day audience.

When Captain Moroni raises the Title of Liberty and asks for everyone who believes in freedom and and in family to join with him, that’s moving.

He was such a stalwart, not just a great military man, but in the process, he goes to the prophet and says, how shall we go to approach the battle?

He takes his wisdom, but he then trusts the insight from the prophet. Well, that's great for us today. You know, we do the best we can with what we know, but then we listen to what the prophet says. And if there's a difference, I'm going to follow the prophet. And that's what he did.

The 2,000 stripling warriors was always something I could identify with. When I was younger, I always looked up to the 2,000 stripling warriors, and so seeing them—seeing it come to life was actually amazing because they were like my childhood heroes.

The story of Alma illustrates how the testimony of one person, Abinadi in this case, can have such a dramatic effect on a person’s life.

Our hope is that these Book of Mormon videos will touch the members of the Church in such a way that they will say, “I want to share this.

It made me feel good. I want to share this with somebody else and help them feel those same feelings that I felt.”

More, left more left. Hey, Jace, are you gonna walk these guys off?

I’m walking all the way up here. Will grant unto you...

My personal connection to this story is one of faith.

For me, faith is what you need to be able to get through this life and to realize that there is a bigger plan for us at the end of the day.

The Lord told the brother of Jared that he needed to leave with his family and to forge new land.

Things were tough, and they had to have a lot of faith to get into those boats, to make this journey and eventually come to the Promised Land.

And I think it's such a marvelous story.

It's not just a movie. It's not just nice costumes and a nice set.

It was really about not just asking for guidance and protection, but also just thanking the Lord for being protected.

For me, the common theme of all these stories is the miracles that God provides to the people. When they’re tested, they're pushed to the brink and then choose to be faithful and then are delivered by the Lord.

But they had each other and their faith, and they were able to cross the oceans and get to the new Promised Land.

The theme of the scriptures, the stories are over and over, you know, trust in the Lord. He has the power. He's going to win.

When the Book of Mormon talks of Christ, I know it's true.

When they when they talk about him being humble, meek, kind, forgiving, all of those attributes I want to emulate in myself.

Well, I taught the Book of Mormon through 100 times. It's different when you have to portray it physically. Now all of a sudden, I've had to look at the Book of Mormon in a much different way because I've had to visualize every scene.

There’s been times when we’ve been behind the monitor and moved to tears because of the performances and the content and the Spirit that’s been there. For example, the Anti-Nephi-Lehis, when those men went out and promised they would never break the covenant to take arms again when they just knelt down, that was ... that was moving.

Doing this has caused me to see new insights, to see a greater depth, and to have a greater appreciation for the truthfulness, quite frankly, of these events.

It's been amazing. I've spent a lot of time prepping, you know, the role of of Mormon and rehearsing with my actor and just really diving into who Mormon was.

But just to see like, the sets come together in the way that they did. You know, we've worked together for months on this and then just seeing everything come together, the actors that come in, the extras that come in, they fill in the space with the realness of these characters, but all of it has to be there.

I think the end result is we want to bring people closer to Christ. That’s the goal. I definitely know that the Book of Mormon is true.

Every time I open up those pages, like the Spirit just comes so strong, just because how much I love my Savior and how much He means to me, and how the Book of Mormon really unfolds His character. And I feel that it's helped so many people come out of dark places. No matter your ethnicity where you come from, it just brings all people together into the light of Christ. I love the Book of Mormon. I love these stories. I love these people who this happened to.

So it's going to be a little bit hard to say goodbye when this series wraps up. Having been involved from the first season and now wrapping the project, it’s kind of like, I’m sad that we’re done in a way.

Uh, because again, it's been a wonderful experience professionally, personally, spiritually that there will be so many that will learn about the Book of Mormon through these videos as well. I just think it's exciting that we have this tool now.

Book of Mormon Videos: Season 5 Behind the Scenes

Film directors Garret Batty, Aaron Merrell and Clyde Williams comment on the fifth and final season of the Book of Mormon Videos as another testament of Jesus Christ and its power to change hearts.

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