I, Mormon, make a record of the things which I have both seen and heard, and call it the Book of Mormon.
Now, both the people of Nephi and the Lamanites had become exceedingly wicked one like unto another.
Out! Get out of the way, boy!
And Ammaron, who kept the record of the people of Nephi being Constrained by
the Holy Ghost, did hide up the records unto the Lord, that they might come again unto the remnant of the house of Jacob.
...neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites;
I being about ten years of age, began to be learned somewhat after the manner my people.
...that they may come again unto the... Mormon, Ammaron is here to see you.
I perceive that thou art a sober child,
and art quick to observe.
When ye are about twenty and four years old, go to the land Antum,
unto a hill which shall be called Shim;
and there have I deposited unto the Lord all the sacred engravings concerning this people.
Ye shall take the plates of Nephi and engrave all the things that ye have observed.
And I, Mormon, remembered the things which Ammaron commanded me.
My beloved Lord… And when I was fifteen years of age and being somewhat of a sober mind, I was visited of the Lord,
and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus. And notwithstanding I being young, I was large in stature; therefore the people appointed me that I should be
the leader of their armies. And I did go forth at the head of an army against the Lamanites. And great destruction hung over my people,
for they did not repent of their evil doings;
thus there began to be a mourning and a lamentation in all the land.
But their sorrowing was not unto repentance,
because of the goodness of God;
but it was rather the sorrowing of the damned,
because the Lord would not always suffer them to take happiness in sin. Avenge our brothers!
And they did not come unto Jesus with broken hearts and contrite spirits,
but they did curse God, and wish to die.
O Lord, please help me find the way.
And now, the city of Jashon was near the land where Ammaron had deposited the records unto
the Lord, that they might not be destroyed.
Believe in God; believe that he is,
and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth;
Our Title of Liberty.
In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom,
and our peace, our wives, and our children.
He is the light and the life of the world; yea,
a light that is endless,
that can never be darkened; yea,
and also a life which is endless,
that there can be no more death.
Here are the waters of Mormon. And now,
as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people,
and are willing to bear one another's burdens,
that they may be light… O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell!
O blessed God, have mercy on this people!
And now as I said concerning faith - faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things.
Therefore if ye have faith, ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
Four hundred years pass not away save the sword of justice falleth upon this people.
Nothing can save this people save it be repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.
And behold, I am the light and the life of the world.
You’re home!
I had taken the plates of Nephi,
and did make a record according to Ammaron’s words.
For behold a continual scene of wickedness and abominations has been before mine eyes ever since I have been sufficient to behold
the ways of man.
And wo is me because of their wickedness;
for my heart has been filled with sorrow because of their wickedness, all my days.
I did cry unto this people, but it was in vain;
and they did not realize that it was the Lord that had spared them
and granted unto them a chance for repentance.
And it came to pass that the king of the Lamanites sent an epistle unto me that they were preparing to come again to battle against us. War again.
And we did beat them.
And now, because of this great thing which my people had done,
they began to boast in their own strength.
And I did utterly refuse from this time forth to be a commander and
a leader of this people, because of their wickedness and abomination.
I swear by the throne of God that we will cut our enemies off from the face of the land!
I had led them and had loved them, according to the love of God which was in me, with all my heart;
and my soul had been poured out in prayer unto my God all the day long for them.
Nevertheless, it was without faith, because of the hardness of their hearts.
And I did stand as an idle witness to manifest unto the world the things which
I saw and heard.
And it hath become expedient that I should make a small record of
the time that Lehi left Jerusalem, even down until the present time.
I do make my record from the accounts which have been given by those who were before me, until the commencement of my day.
I write unto you, Gentiles. Yea, I write unto all the ends of the earth; yea,
unto you, twelve tribes of Israel. And I write also unto the remnant of this people. I write unto you all that ye may know that ye must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, yea,
every soul must stand to be judged of your works, whether they be good or evil.
That ye may believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, which ye shall have among you.
And I would that I could persuade all ye ends of the earth to repent
and prepare to stand before the judgment-seat of Christ.
The Nephites did go up with their armies to battle against the Lamanites. And the armies of the Nephites were driven back.
There were thousands slain on both sides.
And yet the Nephites repented not, but persisted in their wickedness.
And from this time forth they did gain no power over the Lamanites,
but began to be swept off by them even as a dew before the sun.
And now seeing that the Lamanites were about to overthrow the land,
I did go to the hill Shim, and did take up all the records which Ammaron had hid up unto the Lord.
I feel our people need you.
They look unto me as though I could deliver them from their afflictions.
you have always loved them.
And I know…
I know that you would die for them.
I did go forth among the Nephites,
and did repent of the oath which I had made that I would no more assist them.
But I was without hope, for I knew the judgments of the Lord which should come upon them.
For they repented not of their iniquities,
but did struggle for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them.
And knowing that a knowledge of these things must come unto
the remnant of these people, I write a small abridgment.
Now these things are written unto the remnant of the house of Jacob
and they are to be hid up unto the Lord that they may come forth in his own due time.
And they shall go unto the unbelieving that they may be persuaded that Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of the living God;
that the Father may bring about, through his most Beloved,
his great and eternal purpose,
in restoring all the house of Israel unto the fulfilling of his covenant.
And also that the seed of this people may more fully believe his gospel.
And after I had made an abridgement from the plates of Nephi, I searched among the records and I found these plates. I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents.
Therefore, I make a record of my proceedings. And I know that the record which I make is true.
I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded,
for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish
the thing which he commandeth them.
Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath commanded my husband to flee into the wilderness. Yea, and I also know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons.
He cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice.
Reconcile yourselves to the will of God,
and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember,
after ye are reconciled unto God,
that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved.
And the things which are upon these plates please me,
because of the prophecies of the coming of Christ.
And I shall take these plates and put them with the remainder of my record.
And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me,
according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me.
And now, I do not know all things;
but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.
And I, Mormon, began to be old,
and knowing it to be the last struggle of my people,
and having been commanded of the Lord that I should not suffer the records which were sacred, to fall into the hands of the Lamanites,
therefore, I hid up in the hill Cumorah all the records which had been entrusted to me by the hand of the Lord, save it were these few plates which
I gave unto my son Moroni. And now I finish my record concerning the destruction of my people.
And we had gathered in all the remainder of our people unto the land of Cumorah. And my people,
with their wives and their children,
did now behold the armies of the Lamanites marching towards them.
And with that awful fear of death which fills the wicked,
did they await to receive them.
O ye fair ones,
how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord!
How could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!
If ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen.
But ye are fallen, and I mourn your loss. O ye fair sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers,
ye husbands and wives, how is it that ye could have fallen!
O that ye had repented before this great destruction had come upon you.
But behold, ye are gone.
I speak unto the remnant of this people who are spared.
Yea, I speak unto you, ye remnant of the house of Israel.
Know ye that ye are of the house of Israel. Know ye that ye must come unto repentance, or ye cannot be saved.
Know ye that ye must lay down your weapons of war.
Know ye that ye must come to the knowledge of your fathers,
and repent of all your sins and iniquities,
and believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain.
And by the power of the Father he hath risen again,
whereby he hath gained the victory over the grave;
and also in him is the sting of death swallowed up.
And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world.
And if it so be that ye believe in Christ, and are baptized,
first with water, then with fire and with the Holy Ghost, following the example of our Savior, according to that which he hath commanded us,
it shall be well with you in the day of judgment.
Amen. Amen.
You must take and finish the record.
Father… It must not fall into the hands of the Lamanites.
I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come.
And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea,
to the redemption of Christ.