
Hi, I'm Emma, and I'm Catalina.

Today we're going to talk about our bodies and how they're a gift from Heavenly Father. There's so many wonderful things we can do because we have a body. We are going to make puppets to represent our bodies. Let's get started.

Today we are going to be making puppets. We are going to be making them out of some lunch sacks, and we have some yarn for hair, and we have some googly eyes and construction paper that we're going to use for the head. But at home, if you don't have all these materials, get creative. You can use just a piece of paper and a popsicle stick. You can even make a puppet out of a sock, so whatever you have at hand will work to make your puppet. Let's get started. Go ahead and grab your paper sack.

Looks like everyone’s finishing up. Let’s show our puppets.

Oh, I love them. All of them are so different. Look at this outfit, everybody. Super cute. These puppets represent our bodies. Before we came to Earth, we lived with Heavenly Father. When we were born, our spirit, which is going to be represented by our hand,

came to our body, which is going to be represented by the puppet.

I'm so grateful for my body and what I can do because I have a body. What are some of the things you like to do with your body?

I like sports. I like to do gymnastics, especially on balance beam. I can do a handstand, a half handstand. Whoa.

Our bodies can do amazing things. I love to dance, and it makes me feel so free. And it makes me just feel good all around. What about you, Jackson?

I like to do BMX. It’s kind of like motocross, but instead it's a pedal bike. It's really fun and I like to enjoy it.

That's really cool. I like to do indoor rock climbing. It's so fun. You need to be strong, which I’m not, but I try, right? It’s just fun. It's just amazing to have a body. We know though, that when we die, our spirit will go to the spirit world and our body will be here.

Do you know anybody that has died?

My grandpa died like, four years ago. Yeah. Like, so I was five, and I felt kind of sad. Yeah, I know. You know, that happened to me, too. My grandma passed away two years ago.

My grandpa passed away like, ten years ago. And I felt the same. I felt sad, too. It's kind of like a sad moment, right?

But we know that thanks to Jesus Christ, our spirit and our bodies will be together again. That’s called the Resurrection, when our bodies and our spirits are together again forever.

In Alma 40:23, we learn that our bodies and our spirits will be together in a perfect way thanks to Jesus Christ. Thank you for making puppets with us today, and for talking about our bodies and our spirits. Because of Jesus Christ, I know that our bodies and our spirits will come together and we will be resurrected. Thanks for creating with us today. Bye!

How to Create a Puppet

Art instructors Emma and Caterina teach kids how to create paper sack hand-puppets. Our hands represent our spirit and the puppet represents our bodies. Together our spirit and our body can do things like sports and rock climbing.

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