
My sophomore year of high school, I left the Church. My parents, they never gave up on me.

And thank goodness that my dad was so inspired.

He reached out to me on a particular day when I think my spirit was ready. And so I went out to my car and I knelt down and I prayed.

And all I wanted to know was if Heavenly Father was was really there.

That’s it. And I prayed and I prayed and I didn’t hear anything. I think I was expecting to see an angel or have some miraculous moment and that moment didn’t come.

And so I felt that that my confirmation was confirmed and that I was right and that God wasn’t there.

I needed more, I needed to feel happy again.

And so I kept trying.

I kept praying, I kept seeking. Morning and night I prayed, and finally the answer came. It was really simple. It was just the lyrics to a song that came to my mind, a song that we had sang at a girls camp.

And that song was that He hears every word, and He knows just how I feel, that I can pray for answers and I can turn to Him for peace or just to be heard. Those lyrics sunk deep into my heart in that moment, and I knew that God had answered my simple question, that He had heard every word that I had been uttering, not only then, but also in my dark, dark, dark moments,

and that He was there for me and He had never left my side. And from that moment, it’s not like the questions that I had, it's not like they went away, but it's still something that I work through. And it’s a process and it takes time.

And there are moments when I'm just okay with

the answer that Heavenly Father is there, that Jesus is the Christ, that He is my Savior and my Redeemer,

and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.

And those three, that trio, that's enough for me.

Recognize That Revelation Is a Process--Avery's Story

Avery shares her story about how she received revelation in her life over time.

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