
My beloved brothers, sisters, friends, and family,

what a memorable day this has been.

I'm overwhelmed with the kindness, generosity and prayers of so many around the world.

I'm grateful for the countless cards and messages I've received.

Thank you for responding to my “99 + 1” invitation to reach out to someone who needs your loving care. I’m grateful for my wise counselors.

We are grateful for all of our colleagues here at Church headquarters.

Thank you all. I do not know why the Lord has allowed me to live this long.

There are at least three times in my life when sudden death seemed imminent.

Miraculously, in each instance, heavenly help rescued us.

Then a year ago, I fell and injured my back. I've never experienced such pain.

Thanks to the power of the priesthood and to my dear wife, Wendy,

who has cared for me night and day,

I am here to celebrate my 100th birthday.

For this, and for many reasons, I feel deep gratitude.

For me, I feel as though Thanksgiving has come early.

I'm thankful for treasured memories.

They begin with you, my dear brothers and sisters.

I have visited members of the Church and friends in more than 130 countries.

You have made my life more wonderful.

We have worshipped together and strengthened each other again and again. You have inspired me with your devotion to God and your faith in Jesus Christ.

You have shown me the marvelous fruits of consecrating one's life to God.

To you, my beloved brothers and sisters, I express profound gratitude and love. I'm grateful for my precious family.

I’m grateful to be sealed in the house of the Lord

to them. I marvel that the Lord led me as a young man to marry Dantzel White and build an eternal family.

After Dantzel suddenly passed away, the Lord blessed me again.

Later, he led me to Wendy Watson to be my eternal companion.

Wendy has been a strength and a beacon for me for more than 18 years.

How grateful I am for each of these remarkable women.

I'm very thankful to know that God has a plan for His children that makes it possible for us to return to His holy presence.

A mortal birthday is not an end point. It is a step in our eternal progression.

Central to Heavenly Father's plan Is the atoning sacrifice of His Beloved Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

How I love Him. How grateful I am to know Him.

How thankful I am for His redeeming and healing power.

How grateful I am for His unfailing love and His generous guidance to me as He leads His church. My dear brothers and sisters,

the length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live.

For each of us, even for a 100-year- old man, life passes quickly.

My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life.

Make covenants with Him. Stay on the covenant path.

Prepare to return to live with Him again.

With joy in my heart and a spirit of deep thanksgiving,

I express my love for you, dear brothers and sisters.

Humbly, I invoke a blessing upon each precious one of you.

In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Nelson's Remarks

President Nelson shares his remarks during his 100th birthday celebration held at the Conference Center on September 9, 2024.

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