undefined undefined Military Relations and Chaplain Services—The Church of Jesus Christ

Military Relations and Chaplain Services

These resources can help strengthen and support military members, their families, and chaplains in their service.

—Jeffrey R. Holland (Military Devotional, June 13, 2012)

Scripture study
Scripture study

Military Members

This section offers a range of resources for individuals considering military service, current military members and their families, and veterans. The section includes videos, devotionals, church locations, and information on how to order uniform garments. It also addresses frequently asked questions from the military community within the Church.

Serviceman in desert
Serviceman in desert

Latter-day Saint Chaplains

Chaplains endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints serve people of all faiths. This section outlines the requirements to become a Latter-day Saint Chaplain, types of chaplaincies, responsibilities, and resources for current chaplains and their priesthood leaders.

Senior Missionaries
Senior Missionaries

Military Relations Senior Missionaries

Any senior couple may serve as Military Relations Missionaries. You do not have to be retired from the military or have prior military service experience. This section outlines the qualifications and responsibilities for these missionaries as well as how to apply for missionary service.

Two men are talking in a church building. It appears to be in an interview with a Bishop and another man. They are talking and looking at a manual.
Two men are talking in a church building. It appears to be in an interview with a Bishop and another man. They are talking and looking at a manual.

Priesthood Leaders Responsibility for Military Members

This section provides priesthood leaders with resources to support military members, their families, and Latter-day Saint chaplains. Information on the Military Service Orientation, establishing wards or branches, military callings, annual chaplain interviews, and summaries from the General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be found here.

Uniform Temple Garments

Learn who is eligible to wear uniform temple garments and how to order them.