O My Father



  1. 1. O my Father, thou that dwellest

    In the high and glorious place,

    When shall I regain thy presence

    And again behold thy face?

    In thy holy habitation,

    Did my spirit once reside?

    In my first primeval childhood

    Was I nurtured near thy side?

  2. 2. For a wise and glorious purpose

    Thou hast placed me here on earth

    And withheld the recollection

    Of my former friends and birth;

    Yet ofttimes a secret something

    Whispered, “You’re a stranger here,”

    And I felt that I had wandered

    From a more exalted sphere.

  3. 3. I had learned to call thee Father,

    Thru thy Spirit from on high,

    But, until the key of knowledge

    Was restored, I knew not why.

    In the heav’ns are parents single?

    No, the thought makes reason stare!

    Truth is reason; truth eternal

    Tells me I’ve a mother there.

  4. 4. When I leave this frail existence,

    When I lay this mortal by,

    Father, Mother, may I meet you

    In your royal courts on high?

    Then, at length, when I’ve completed

    All you sent me forth to do,

    With your mutual approbation

    Let me come and dwell with you.

Text: Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887

Music: James McGranahan, 1840–1907