O Saints of Zion



  1. 1. O Saints of Zion, hear the voice

    Of Him from courts on high.

    Prepare the pathway of the Lord;

    His reign on earth is nigh.

    Prepare the supper of the Lamb;

    Invite the world to dine.

    Behold, the mighty Bridegroom comes

    In majesty divine.

  2. 2. Entreat the Lord in humble prayer

    That all the sons of men

    His righteous kingdom will receive

    And shout the glad “amen.”

    The sacred keys are now restored;

    Declare the gospel plan.

    Make known the wondrous words of truth

    Revealed again to man.

  3. 3. Behold, the glory of the Lord

    Sets Zion’s mount aglow,

    For Zion is an ensign pure;

    All nations to her flow.

    O Saints of Zion, tread the paths

    Your faithful fathers trod.

    Lift up your hearts in gratitude

    And serve the living God!

Text: Ed M. Rowe, 1878–1951. © 1948 IRI

Music: Robert P. Manookin, 1918–1997. © 1948 IRI