A Beautiful World (Dickman)

A Beautiful World (Dickman)

Music for Children, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

You may wear a kilt or kimono or dress up in a sarong.

You may wrap your head in a turban to show where you belong;

You may wear a skirt made of grass, I think that is nice as can be

It’s grand to live in a beautiful world and live in harmony!


You may live in a house built on stilts or in an igloo of ice;

You may live in side of a tent ‘neath a desert’s starry skies’

You may live in a house of adobe, or live right next door to me!

It’s grand to live in a beautiful world and live in harmony.


We may dress in different clothes or come from different lands.

No matter where we come from or how we live,

We all have hearts and hands to give!


Your skin may be black or yellow or red or brown or white.

Eyes still see and ears still hear and mouths still smile bright!

I’ll be your friend, please be mine, I think that is how it should be

It’s grand to live in a beautiful wold and live in harmony;


It’s grand to live in this beautiful world!

Let’s live in harmony!

Text: Annette W. Dickman

Music: Annette W. Dickman

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1994

More Info: CMS 1994


Variety, God, No Respector of Persons